northwestnewspapers.co.za Matric Farewell Photo Competition 2016 : Rustenburg Herald

Organization : Rustenburg Herald
Competition Name : Matric Farewell Photo Competition 2016
Applicable For : South African Only
Prize/Win : R1000

Website : http://www.northwestnewspapers.co.za/herald/

Matric Farewell Photo Competition 2016 :

Rules & Regulations :
Please Supply The Following With Your Entry Form :
** Photo of only you or with your partner
** R50 entry fee

Related : Studio22 It’s a Spring Thing Photo Contest : www.southafricain.com/193.html

Rules And Regulations :
Interested brides :
** The cost per entry is R50 per person and is not refundable.
** We will need one photograph of the matriculant.
** Please Ensure That The Quality Of The Photo’s You Provide, Are Good Quality (No Less Than 2 Megabyte In File Size) – We Want To Ensure Good Quality Print And Internet Display.

** For entries to be accepted, the entry fee (R50) needs to be finalised.
** Please note (in case of online/bank payment) that the beneficiary reference upon payment should be matricfarewell16(your name).
** It is important that participants take note of the voting procedure which will help us to choose the winner

** Photographs of participat will not only be published in Rustenburg Herald, but will also be posted onto our website and Facebook pages.
** Rustenburg Herald will then invite the public to vote for the participant of their choice.

By entering and accepting the terms and conditions, each contestant :
** understands the rules and agrees to the conditions as set by the organisers.
** gives permission for the use and publication of their photos (online or print).
** agrees that the Rustenburg Herald has the right to disqualify any participat if necessary.

** agrees that the Rustenburg Herald has the right to amend the rules of the competition at any time if necessary.
** accepts the final results of the voting and final decision and no discussion/debating will take place.
** agrees to be available to the Rustenburg Herald at reasonable times.

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