SAfm Playwriting Competition : Radio

Organization : SAfm Radio
Competition Name : SAfm Playwriting Competition
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 28th February, 2017
Prize/Win : R65 000

Website :

SAfm Playwriting Competition :

** SAfm is inviting writers to explore the medium of sound “the theatre of the mind” to create a one hour radio play in English.

Related / Similar Contest : SAfm Birthday Competition 2020

** The play has to be a new and original idea that writers can bring to the airwaves.
** Plays must be specifically written for radio; stage plays or plays requiring adaption will not be considered.
** There are no limits to the choice of topics or the style of writing: Comedy, tragedy, fable or folklore, social or domestic drama (slice of life) or what you will. There is no restriction on the number of entries which an author may submit.

Grand Prize :
** First prize R65 000
** Second prize R35 000
** Third prize R25 000

Competition Rules :
** Plays submitted must be of 1(one) hour’s duration, original works, and not previously broadcast.
** Plays must be specifically written for radio; stage plays or plays requiring adaptation will not be considered.
** Plays must be written in English.

** Entries should be typed in a font comparable to 11 point Century Gothic, double-spaced and on one side of the paper only.
** The standard size of a radio script is A4. Following these guidelines, a 60-minute play would run to about 45 pages.

** Please follow the SAMPLE SCRIPT LAYOUT in the booklet “The Writing Of Plays For Radio”, which can be acquired from the SAfm Drama Department (playwrite AT
** There are no limits to the choice of topics or the style of writing: Comedy, Tragedy, Fable or Folklore, Social or Domestic Drama, Satire, “Slice of Life” …. Or what you will!

Related Post

** Submissions should reach SAfm by 5pm (17:00) on 28th February, 2017.
** Authors must certify that plays submitted are their original works, and must indemnify the SABC against any infringement of copyright, deliberate or otherwise

** If a play submitted contains any material (a quotation from a poem, for example) which is subject to copyright restrictions, the author must indicate this fact, so that the SABC may apply for copyright clearance, if required.

** Authors of winning entries (or those chosen for broadcast) must make the usual cession of copyright in respect of their play, to the SABC.
** There is no restriction on the number of entries which an author may submit.
** The SABC accepts no responsibility for any posted manuscripts which may be lost, although all care will be taken to see that this does not happen, once scripts have been received.

** Please note that manuscripts will not be returned to the author.
** The Competition Judges’ decisions shall be final, and no correspondence will be entered into in this respect.

** Prizes are NOT transferrable and are not negotiable.
** The right is reserved to withhold the awarding of prizes if no entries are considered by the Judges to merit them.

** This Competition is open to any person resident in South Africa, excluding employees of the SABC, agencies, prize sponsors or any person directly or indirectly involved in the organisation or running of the Competition, or their immediate family members.

** Writers are requested to fill in the attached entry form, and where a pseudonym has been used, please also state your real name.
** Your name should only appear on the entry form and not on the script.

Postal Address :
SAfm Radio Drama Play Writing Competition,
Room 625, 6th Floor,
Radio Park,
P.O. Box 91162,
Auckland Park, 2006.
Alternatively, the plays may be emailed to playwrite AT .

Categories: Contest

View Comments (24)

  • Nelisa Nono says:

    Are the winners announced? If no when will the winners be announced? Please let me know.

  • It is really a great opportunity. I had to do all to at least send my script even if it seemed impossible for weeks. Im certain that the best will win. Follow up and hope with confidence for the best will be my middle names. Thank you.

  • How do l get a copyright for my work?

  • How long after the competition will it take to announce the winners?

  • Lucia Matshali says:

    How do I get the copyright for my work? Please help.

  • Romeo Genius says:

    This competition is an opportunity of a lifetime that can change anyone 's life for the better and it will be a dream come true if I can enter and try my luck,but so much is just difficult,I mean I have been trying to download those forms like forever.

  • John Modumaela says:

    Where can I get the Competition from?

  • Sharon Bande says:

    Where can I find the form?

  • Temosho Sechabe says:

    Where can I find the entry form?

    • Risuna Shabangu says:

      How do I sign up for the competition?

  • Anelisiwe says:

    I cant find a link to filling the form.

  • Where can I download the entry form? Any link?

  • Where do we transfer the forms after filling the form?

  • Bongani Ngcobo says:

    Can you give me your email address because I want to submit my script?

  • Pertunia mabitsela says:

    I am unable to get a copy of "the writing of plays for radio" please help

  • Pertunia Mabitsela says:

    I am unable to obtain the copy of "the writing of plays for radio". Please help me.

  • Where can I find an entry form?

  • Where can I download the entry form?

  • Thando lungile Mtshali says:

    Is there an age restriction?

  • Leonie MacDonald says:

    I am unable to obtain a copy of "The Writing of Plays for Radio". I need it to access information on the technical aspects of writing for radio. Please help.




  • I need to know whether it is my responsibility to organize actor's and actresses.

    • So frustrated, tried to open the link you provide for the entry form week-in wee-out. Hope you will accept submissions without it because the time is running out. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map