picknpay.co.za Stand To Win Your Share Of 230 000 AVIOS : Pick n Pay Retailers

Organization : Pick n Pay Retailers Pty Ltd
Competition Name : Stand To Win Your Share OF 230 000 AVIOS
Applicable For : Open to residents of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 12 December 2016.
Prize/Win : R230 000

Website : http://www.picknpay.co.za/competitions/stand-to-win-your-share-of-230-000-avios

Stand To Win Your Share Of 230 000 AVIOS :

** Visit our Facebook page or Twitter feed for your chance to enter.

Related : Pick n Pay Name our Rhino Competition : www.southafricain.com/3024.html

How To Enter :
** Keep your eyes on our Facebook Page and Twitter Feed from 14 November – 11 December 2016.
** Each week we will post a picture of a scrambled famous landmark.
** Decipher the landmark and share the post to enter!
** Each week, a winner will receive 15 000 Avios with a final winner of 70 000 Avios in the last week, all of which will be announced each week (so keep entering).

Rules Of The Competition :
** This competition starts on 15 November 2016 00:01 and ends on 12 December 2016 23:59.

In order to qualify as an entrant for this competition :
** The entrant must live in the Republic of South Africa;
** the entrant must provide correct and full personal details, as required; and
** the entrant cannot be a juristic entity and must be an individual;

** Comment on the competition social posts on Twitter and Facebook with the correct answer to a scrambled image of a famous international landmark.
** Winners will be announced at the end of every week for the duration of the promotion

Related Post

** Each winner will be awarded 15 000 Avios
** At the end of the promotion, one lucky winner will be awarded with 70 000 Avios
** Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash
** PnP will contact the winner every Monday for the duration of the competition.

To qualify for the competition, you must :
** Have a British Airways Executive Club account or an Avios Travel Rewards Programme account
** All standard British Airways Executive Club and Avios Travel Rewards Programme terms and conditions apply.

** These can be found at .avios.com and .ba.com respectively.
** All standard Pick n Pay and Smart Shopper scheme terms and conditions apply.
** These can be found at .picknpay.co.za.

** In accordance with the provisions of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act you have 7 (seven) working days after receipt of Avios into your account, and before they have been used, to request that they are transferred back into Smart Shopper Points.
** Bonus Avios will not be converted to Smart Shopper Points.

** If the Avios have been used to make Reward Bookings, any Reward Bookings made will need to be cancelled by paying the cancellation/amend fee as detailed on .avios.com/za/en_za/about-us/terms-and-conditions prior to requesting the reversal

** Pick n Pay reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions as well as terminate the promotion at any time.

** In the event of such termination, all participants agree to waive any rights that they may have in terms of the promotion and acknowledge that they will have no recourse against Pick n Pay, its advertising agencies, advisors, suppliers and nominated agents.

Categories: Contest
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