hiltoncollege.com Apply for Admission : Hilton College

Name of the Organization : Hilton College
Type of Facility : Apply for Admission
Head Office : Kwazulu Natal
Deadline: 19 July 2016 – 1 March 2017

Website : https://www.hiltoncollege.com/
Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/3502-Application.pdf

Apply for Admission :

** The Hilton College Marketing Department welcomes you. We hope that the pages in this section will enable you to get to know our school better, and to know how you could become part of the Hilton family.

Related : Walter Sisulu University Apply for Admission & Registration : www.southafricain.com/3414.html

Application Timeline :
** We extend a warm invitation to you and your son to come for a chat with our Headmaster, plus a relaxed, one on one, personal tour for you and your son (this year please).
** Tours and interviews are conducted during term time, Monday mornings to Friday mornings.

Timeline :
Sunday 23 October 2016 : Please join us at our Hilton College Open Sunday
Tuesday 7 February 2017 : Hilton College Entrance Tests in English & Mathematics are written at Prep Schools
Tuesday 7 February 2017 : Headmaster’s Confidential Reports due Scholarship applications close; Bursary applications close

Friday 24 March 2017 : Music Auditions and Sports Scholarship Testing
Saturday 25 March 2017 : Academic Scholarship Examinations at Hilton College
25/26 March 2017 : We would really love your son to join us at our Prospective Pupils’ (and prospective parents) Weekend at Hilton College.

Related Post

Monday 8 May 2017 : Scholarship Offers made to Parents
Wednesday 10 May 2017 : Offers of Place made to Parents
Monday 15 May 2017 : Scholarship Awards announced
Monday 22 May 2017 : Closing dates for acceptance of places, and non-refundable Entrance Fees due for all Grade 8 applicants, not just scholarships.

Note :
** Please feel free to contact Keith Fairweather on 072 602 9119 (or keith AT hiltoncollege.com) if you require any further information, advice or assistance.

** The registration fee of R750 required in terms of the rules, must accompany this form.
** Cheques should be made payable to The Hiltonian Society.
** This fee is not refundable and does not necessarily guarantee that this application for entry will be ultimately successful.

** Should you wish to make a direct deposit our banking details are as follows – Our account is at Standard Bank of S.A. Ltd, Pietermaritzburg Branch, 31 Chatterton Road.
** The branch code is 05-75-25 and our account is in the name of The Hiltonian Society, account number 05 210 579 2.

** Please send proof of payment. (Swift Code = SBZAZAJJ)
** Please use the following as a reference: Surname and the year of admission (eg: Black – 2014)

Contact Address :
Hilton College,
Private Bag 6001,
Hilton, 3245,
Kwazulu Natal,
South Africa

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