Customer Ratings and Reviews : Electronics South Africa

Organization : Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited,
Competition Name : Customer Ratings and Reviews Competition
Applicable For : Citizens of the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : Dec 31, 2018

Website :

Customer Ratings and Reviews Terms and Conditions :

All participants during the term of this Competition agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions :
1. The Organiser of the Competition is Samsung Electronics South Africa (Proprietary) Limited, Registration number: 1994/003872/07 and/or its agencies (“Organizer”).

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2. The Competition will entail various monthly draws as provided for in clause 5. The Competition will run from the 1st of April till a date to be specified by the Organizers .The duration of the Competition may be extended or curtailed at the discretion of the Organizers.

3. Entry to this Competition does not make any participant a winner.

4. All participants must :
** be citizens of the Republic of South Africa and/or a permanent residents of the aforesaid country,
** currently residing in the country at the date of the commencement of the abovementioned period,
** must be at least 13(thirteen) years old at the date of the commencement of the abovementioned Competition Period
** Rate and review a Samsung product on the Samsung South Africa website

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5. The Competition will afford the Participant the opportunity to be entered into a monthly draw to stand a chance of winning a prize.
5.1 The Organizer shall at it’s own discretion decide what the monthly prize will be.

6. The number of entries is based the number of reviews submitted. Should there be any dispute in this regard, the Organizers shall be sole adjudicator of the dispute and the Organizer’s decision shall be final.

7. The draw will take place between the 1st and 7th business working day of every month, entries from previous calendar month will be entered into the draw. Only approved reviews that meet the moderation guidelines will be entered into the draw. Guidelines are available upon review of a product. The draw will be supervised by an independent auditor or a registered accountant, or an attorney or an advocate.

8. The Organizers reserve the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and Participants (including a Participant’s identity, age and place of residence) and to disqualify any Participants who submit entries that are not in accordance with these terms and conditions or who tamper with the entry process. Errors and omission may be accepted at the Organizer’s’ discretion. Failure by the Organizers to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of those rights

9. The winners will be contacted by email with email address supplied by the winner on the website. The Organizers shall attempt to contact the winner twice over a period of 4 (four) working days after his or her name is selected as a winner where after the winner will forfeit the prize as set out in clause 10 below

10. In the event that the winner is unreachable as set out in clause 9 above, ineligible or fails to claim the Prize, the Prize shall be forfeited to another winner based on the same terms and conditions. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map