Shambhala Scholarship 2017 : Organisation

Name of the Organization : The Shambhala Organisation
Announcement : Shambhala LGBT Scholarship 2017
Deadline : 30 November 2016

Website :
Application Form :

Shambhala LGBT Scholarship 2017 :

Objective Of The Scholarship :
** Shambhala Scholarships lays the foundation for business leadership by assisting proudly LGBT business owners / corporate professionals and leaders pursue further education that fits with the objective of developing LGBT business leaders and role models.

Related : Rhodes University OSISA Scholarships :

** We are looking for leaders; people who are doing something for their communities, doing it for the good of others.
** Because they will be successful in whatever they put their minds to; and thereby contribute to achieving our goals.

The committee will be looking at the following criteria :
** Natural leadership qualities,
** Evidence of contributing to the LGBT community (#DoSomething),
** Ability to achieve great things, and
** The likelihood of promoting The Shambhala Organisation.

About :
** For 2017, there are up to ten R25,000 scholarships available.
** The scholarships are available for undergrad, post-grad or part time studies where the chosen field of study will equip the candidate to pursue to improve their business leadership capabilities.

** There are no set rules about the study and the students are to motivate why their chosen field of study fits with the organisation’s objectives.
** In 2015 and 2016, the scholarships were focussed on undergraduate studies, but in 2017, we want to focus on LGBT entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Rules :
The following rules apply to the Scholarships :
** Funds will be paid directly to the education institution for fees and related expenses.
** Any balance (up to 20%) of the scholarship can be applied towards learning aids such as books, internet access and materials.

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** Acceptable performance in academics (e.g.: 70%) and community service is required in order to qualify recipients for scholarships for subsequent years of study.
** If recipients fail to complete their intended course of study, then the scholarship will convert to a loan and become repayable to Shambhala.

** Scholarships will only be awarded to deserving candidates who are able to demonstrate their suitability and fit with the objectives of The Shambhala Organisation.
** The Shambhala Organisation reserves the right to change the number and value of scholarships awarded where it deems it necessary.

How to Apply :
This is how to apply for one of the scholarships :
** Complete the application form electronically or in handwriting and scan the form
** Answer the essay questions (between 300 to 500 words per answer).

** Answers to the essay questions should be typed. You need to demonstrate your leadership qualities, history of contributing to the LGBT community and your potential to achieve great things in your essay answers.

** Supporting documents to include at least a copy of your CV (max 2 pages), ID book and full academic transcripts, details of proposed field of study and motivation of how it will contribute to the objectives of the organisation.

** Email all documents to scholarships AT

** Applications for undergraduate studies should be received before the 30 November 2016 to meet the deadlines for your institutions.
** Applications for part-time studies should be received at least 1 month prior to the course, and deserving candidates are accepted until all 10 scholarships for 2017 have been awarded.

Essay Questions :
Provide essay answer to the following essay questions. Answers should be typed and between 300 and 500 words each.
1. How will your intended course of study benefit the LGBT community?
2. Why do you believe that you are a deserving candidate for the scholarship?

3. Provide examples of your past leadership roles and how you contributed to society through them. What experiences and obstacles have shaped you into a leader?
4. Provide examples of how you have contributed to the LGBT community.
5. What are the main challenges facing the LGBT community and how should they be addressed? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map