: NSC Grade 12 Electrical Technology Sample Question Paper

Name of the Organization : Limpopo Department Of Education
Exam : National Senior Certificate Grade 12 Exam Electrical Technology
Type : Sample Question Paper
Head Office : Limpopo
Grade/Subject : Electrical Technology
Year : 2014

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NSC Grade 12 Exam Electrical Technology Sample Question Paper :

Marks: 200
Time: 3 Hours
Instructions And Information :
1. Answer ALL the questions.
2. Sketches and diagrams must be large, neat and fully labelled.
3. ALL calculations must be shown and must be correctly rounded off to TWO decimal places.

Related :Limpopo Department Of Education NSC Grade 12 Life Science Sample Question Paper : 

4. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system used in this question paper.
5. Non-programmable calculators may be used.
6. Show the units of answers for all calculations.
7. A formula sheet is attached at the end of this question paper.
8. Write neatly and legibly

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Question 1: Technology, Society And The Environment
1.1 Technological advancements have an impact on society.
1.1.1 State ONE modern invention in electrical technology. (1)
1.1.2 Describe ONE advantage of the invention in QUESTION 1.1.1 for society.(2)
1.2 The generation of electricity is crucial to the economy of South Africa.
1.2.1 Name TWO positive effects of the generation of electricity on society.(2)
1.2.2 Describe ONE negative effect the generation of electricity will have on the environment.(2)
1.3 Name ONE skill an entrepreneur needs to be successful.(1)
1.4 Unemployment is a huge problem in any country. Explain how entrepreneurs may help to reduce this problem.(2)

Question 2: Technological Process
2.1 A power source is needed to test the PAT project. Name THREE power sources which may be used to supply power to the PAT project.(3)
2.2 With regard to the technological process, describe the term design specifications.(2)
2.3 Give ONE example of a design specification.(2)
2.4 Explain why investigation forms an important part of the PAT design.(3)

Question 3: Occupational Health And Safety
3.1 List FOUR unsafe conditions in an electrical workshop. (4)
3.2 Explain why safety signs are important in an electrical workshop. (3)
3.3 Describe the negative effect HIV/Aids may have on the workforce.(3)

Question 4: Three-Phase Ac Generation
4.1 State TWO advantages of three-phase generation over single-phase generation. (2)
4.2 Name TWO methods used to improve the power factor of a resistive inductive load. (2)
4.3 A three-phase delta-connected motor draws 25 A from a 380 V/50 Hz supply at a power factor of 0,9 lagging. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map