SA Mathematics Challenge Question Paper : Association for Education of South Africa

Name of the Organization : Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa – AMESA
Announcement : SA Mathematics Challenge Question Paper
Type : Sample Question Paper
Head Office : Parktown
Year : 2014

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AMESA Mathematics Challenge Question Paper

Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa AMESA Mathematics Challenge Question Paper for Grade 4 First Round

Related / Similar Question Paper : IFE South Africa Sample Question Paper March 2017

Note :
** Answer the questions according to the instructions on the answer sheet.
** You may use a calculator.
** The questions test insight. Complex calculations will therefore not be necessary.
** We hope you enjoy it!

1. What number is 300 less than 5 698?
(A) 5 000
(B) 5 398
(C) 5 668
(D) 2 698
(E) 5 695

2. A taxi has 13 people on board. Three people are dropped off at the first stop and six people get on. At the second stop five are dropped off and two get on. At the third stop 3 people get off. How many people are now on board the taxi?
(A) 13
(B) 10
(C) 11
(D) 16
(E) 3

3. You have 20 litres of water in a bucket. How many 500 mL bottles will you be able to fill from the 20 litres of water?
(A) 40
(B) 25
(C) 20
(D) 480
(E) 520

4. What mass is indicated on the scale below?
(A) 50,4 kg
(B) 50,5 kg
(C) 50,8 kg
(D) 50,75 kg
(E) 50,9 kg

5. In the graph below, by how much did John’s weight increase from 1991 to 1995?
(A) 74 kg
(B) 2 kg
(C) 5 kg
(D) 6 kg
(E) 68 kg

6. What is the missing number in this number pattern?
230; 220; 205; ____; 160
(A) 200
(B) 185
(C) 180
(D) 190
(E) 195

7. Five tennis balls cost R60. How much will I pay for 3 tennis balls?
(A) R40
(B) R12
(C) R30
(D) R45
(E) R36

8. Tom has R900. He buys a bicycle for R623, a pair of trousers for R275 and would like to buy shoes for R312. How much more money does he need to buy the shoes?
(A) R312
(B) R310
(C) R212
(D) R210
(E) R121

9. At the fruit market, Jeff must pack 785 oranges onto racks that can each hold 85 oranges. How many oranges will be left after filling the racks?
(A) 85
(B) 24
(C) 10
(D) 20
(E) 25

10. A car travels at a constant speed of 120 kilometres per hour for 30 minutes. What distance did the car travel?
(A) 3600 km
(B) 150 km
(C) 120 km
(D) 15 km
(E) 60 km

FAQ On AMESA Mathematics Challenge

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On AMESA Mathematics Challenge

Q: What is the AMESA Mathematics Challenge?
A: The AMESA Mathematics Challenge is an annual mathematics competition in South Africa that aims to encourage the development of mathematics skills and promote interest in mathematics among learners.

Q: Who can participate in the AMESA Mathematics Challenge?
A: The competition is open to learners from grade 4 to grade 12 in South African schools.

Q: How can I participate in the AMESA Mathematics Challenge?
A: Learners can participate in the competition through their schools, which must register with AMESA to participate in the competition.

Q: What are the categories in the AMESA Mathematics Challenge?
A: The competition has different categories for learners in different grades, from grade 4 to grade 12.

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