KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration KZN E-Recruitment System :

Organisation : KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Administration (KZN)
Facility Name : E-Recruitment System
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is KZN Provincial e-Recruitment System?

If you are seeking employment opportunities within any of the KZN Provincial Departments or KZN Public Entities, you’ve come to the right place. We are excited to announce the implementation of our online e-Recruitment system, which embraces technology to provide citizens with easy access to search and apply for available positions from the comfort of their computer, laptop, or mobile device.

Related / Similar Facility : IEC e-Recruitment System

Our aim is to bring services closer to you, the citizens. To begin your job search and apply for positions, kindly register on the KZN e-Recruitment system, complete your profile, and upload your CV. We look forward to assisting you in finding the perfect job match for your skills and aspirations.

How To Access KZN Provincial e-Recruitment System?

In order to access the e-Recruitment system, you need to visit the website and create an account, and follow the simple STEP by STEP guide that is displayed.

FAQ On KZN Provincial e-Recruitment System

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On KZN Provincial e-Recruitment System

What do I need to create an account on the KZN Provincial e-recruitment system?
You will need a valid cellphone number, a valid email address and your personal information, such as name, Identity Number and residential/postal address. During the registration process you will receive a One-Time Pin (OTP) via your cellphone number and email address.

When I try to register it requires a password, what password should I use?
Please note that your chosen Password must contain at least 8 characters, one upper case, one lower case, one number and one special character (e.g.! @ # $ % ^ * )

I have entered the One-Time Pin (OTP) that I received via email/SMS and received confirmation that I am registered on the system, what do I do now?
You will need to complete your Z83 profile on the system and upload an updated copy of your CV. You will only need to do this once before you can apply for vacant positions.

What should I do if I forget my password?
On the login page, there is a Forgot Username/Password link. Clicking on Forgot password, the system will guide you through the process of resetting your password using your registered email address.

What should I do if I forget my username?
On the login page, there is a Forgot Username/Password link. Clicking on Forgot username, the system will guide you through the process of accessing your username.

How do I complete “My Profile (Z83)” on the e-Recruitment system?
Update all the fields under the tabs Personal Information, Education History, Work History, Languages, References and Attachments. It is necessary to complete all these mandatory fields and upload your CV before you can apply for jobs.

How do I update my contact information or CV?
Please log in to your account and go to the My Profile (Z83) section. Here, you will be able to update your personal information, education history, work history, languages, references and upload an updated CV.

I require assistance with regards to registering on the system, completing my Z83 profile and uploading my CV, what do I do?
Please contact our Toll Free Call Centre on 0801229099 or email the helpdesk on

Where do I find the jobs so that I can apply?
Once logged into the system, go to the MAIN NAVIGATION menu on the left-hand side and click Browse Jobs, then click under the banner KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Government. You can search for specific jobs using the search box located at the top right corner or scroll through the pages to view all jobs.

How do I apply for a job through the e-recruitment system?
After finding a suitable job, click on it to view the details. If you meet the requirements, click You will see the full job advertisement and will need to answer questions related to your qualifications and experience. Only apply for jobs that you qualify for, ensure you answer these questions accurately, as you will be disqualified if you are short-listed based on the false information.

How will I know if my application was received and reviewed?
You will receive an automated confirmation email after submitting your application. As the recruitment process progresses, you may also receive further communication about your application status through your registered email address.

How can I track the status of my application?
Please log in to your account and navigate to the My Applications section. Here, you will be able to see the status of each application you have submitted under the Action header.

Can I withdraw my application for a specific job?
Unfortunately, no, at this stage you will not be able to withdraw your application because the system does not allow an application to be withdraw. Should you be shortlisted for a position, which you are no longer interested in, then you can decline.

How long does the recruitment process usually take?
If you do not receive any communication within 2 months from the closing date, please accept that your application was not successful.

Will I be notified if I am not selected for a position?
If you do not receive any communication within 2 months from the closing date, please accept you’re your application was not successful.

What format should my CV and other documents be in for uploading?
Please note that the system will accept documents in PDF format for uploading.


Contact the toll free call centre help line: 080 122 9099 or email KZNHelpDeskRecruit [at] The Call Centre is Available Monday to Friday 07h30 to 16h00.

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