IEC Special Vote Application Status :

Organisation : Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
Facility Name : Check Special Vote Application Status Online
Country : South Africa
Website :
Special Vote :

What is Special Vote?

Special vote allows a registered voter who can’t vote at their voting station on election day to apply to vote on a predetermined day before election day. By law, special votes can only be cast on the dates specified in the election timetable and no exceptions can be made.

Related / Similar Facility : IEC Online Special Votes Application

How To Check IEC Special Vote Application Status Online?

Have you submitted your special vote application? you can review the status of your application online. Alternatively, you can check by calling the IEC call centre.

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Select an election and then clicking on the Next button.
Step-3 : Now enter your South African Identity Document number below and then click on the Next button. Remember you can also SMS your ID Number to 32711 (R1.00 per SMS)

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If your application for a special vote is successful, you will vote as follows:
** Your thumbnail is marked with indelible ink.
** You receive the relevant ballot paper(s).
** You mark the ballot(s) in secret, place and seal the ballot(s) in an unmarked envelope.
** The unmarked envelope is placed in another envelope that is marked with your name, ID number and voting district (VD) number. The use of two envelopes is to ensure the secrecy of your ballot (the outer envelope is discarded before counting).
** IEC officials take the envelope and place it in a secure ballot box for special votes.
** Your name is marked off the Voters’ Roll with “SV” to indicate that you have cast a special vote.

Where Do I Vote?
1. Home Visit:
If your application has been approved to be visited at your home or place of residence where you have applied to cast a special vote, election officials will visit you where you are living and allow you to vote

2. Voting Station Visit:
For approved voting station visit, vote at the voting station where you are registered to vote.

Need help with voter registration or #SAelection24 queries? Contact us at 0800 11 8000, Mon-Fri, 8am-5pm.

FAQ On Objections & Appeals

Frequently asked questions about voters’ roll objections and appeals

How do I lodge an objection to the voters’ roll?
Please go to your Municipal Electoral Office during office hours and tell the Municipal Electoral Officer you would like to lodge an objection. They will give you a form to complete and explain the objections process.

When can I lodge an objection or appeal a decision?
You can lodge an objection or appeal a decision at any time up until the voters’ roll closes, which is at 5pm on the day that the President proclaims the election date.

When will I know the outcome of my objection or appeal?
A final decision will be made within 14 days of your objection or appeal. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map