DHA Prohibition Appeals : Department of Home Affairs

Organisation : Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
Facility Name : Prohibition Appeals
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/index.php/immigration-services/prohibition-appeals

How To Apply For Prohibition Appeals in South Africa?

When applying for upliftment after being found in possession of the following.

Related / Similar Facility : DHA Automated Biometric Identification Systems (ABIS)

** Fraudulent Visas
** Fraudulent Permanent Residence permit.
** Foreign nationals who were deported.

We require the following documents:
** Copies of passports.
** Copies of previous permit’s or visas.
** A copy of the suspected fraudulent visa.

NB: The applicant must submit a signed representation with full details as to what led him or her to obtain fraudulent visa or Permanent residence permit.

** The two Police clearance certificates from the country of origin and that of South Africa should be attached in support of the application when applying for the upliftment of prohibition.
** In case whereby a foreign nationals was found in possession of a fraudulent South African Police Clearance Certificate, Medical Certificates, School acceptance letter, Bank Statements must be forwarded to overstayappeals [at] dha.gov.za.

Good Cause Appeals:
(email address: GoodCauseAppeals [at] dha.gov.za.)

Related Post

We require the following documents.
** A signed written representation with full details as to what led him or her failed to renew his/her temporary residence visa within 60 days prior to its expiry, and what are the reasons beyond his or her control that prevented him or her to apply for such renewal.
** Copy of the Good Cause rejection letter (Form 2)
** Copies of the passports.
** Copies of previous permits or visas.
** Any other supporting documents in support of the request for an appeal process, such as a Letter from the respective Embassy when you claim delay of the passport issuance.

NB: Kindly note that we are strictly dealing with appeals application only. If you want to apply for a Good Cause you must approached nearest Home Affairs Inspectorate offices.

Appeals must be sent to prohibitionappeals [at] dha.gov.za


Contact For Prohibition Appeals

Mr. Mahlangu – 063 684 6615
Mr. Masilela – 063 684 6692
Mr. Moilwa – 066 290 3267
Mr. Ndlovu – 083 700 9351

Procedure For Overstay Appeals

Persons who are declared undesirable persons in terms of Section 30(1)(h) read with 50(1) of the Immigration Act, no 13 of 2002 as amended (no. 13 of 2011) must submit the written representative as indicated below:

The following documents must be submitted:
** Written representation
** A copy of the declaration of undesirability (form 19) that was issued at the Port of Entry
** Copy of the relevant pages of the passport, including bio page
** Acknowledgment of receipt( in cases where the applicant has applied for a permit and the status is still pending)
** If the applicant overstayed due to medical reasons a medical certificated must be submitted.

The appeal must be e-mailed to: Overstayappeals [at] dha.gov.za

Categories: Facilities
Tags: dha.gov.za
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