DHA SCRA Indefinite Refugee Certification : Standing Committee For Affairs

Organisation : Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
Facility Name : The Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA) Indefinite Refugee Certification
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/index.php/immigration-services/scra-standing-committee-for-refugee-affairs

How To Apply For SCRA Indefinite Refugee Certification?

Applying For Certification As An Indefinite Refugee

Related / Similar Facility : DHA Trusted Employer Scheme

** All services provided by SCRA are free of charge! This means that you can apply for certification as an indefinite refugee at SCRA and it will not cost you any money.
** SCRA has a dedicated e-mail: EnquiriesSCRA@dha.gov.za – where recognized refugees (section 24 visa holders) can enquire how to apply for certification or just follow up on an existing certification application.
** Enquiries SCRA will gladly provide advice and if necessary provide the required application forms (BI 1754).
** Once you’ve received your certification as an indefinite refugee you can apply for permanent residence at the Department of Home Affairs through the offices of VFS Global.

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FAQ On Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA)

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Standing Committee for Refugee Affairs (SCRA)

What does SCRA require from first time applicants wanting to obtain certification as an indefinite refugee?
** Submit a properly completed application for certification (BI 1754), which can be obtained from EnquiriesSCRA@dha.gov.za or at the Refugee Reception Centre.
** Please ensure the application is fully completed with the date and your signature. The application can be submitted electronically to EnquiriesSCRA@dha.gov.za or by hand to 266 Pretorius street, Centre Walk Building, Office Block East, 7th floor, Pretoria, 0001.
** Please note that your application must explain in detail why you will remain a refugee indefinitely and why you will not be able to return to your country of origin.
** You need to submit proof that you have been a refugee for 10 years continuously. In other words, SCRA requires a copy of your valid refugee status (section 24 visa). If you do not have a valid refugee status you cannot apply for certifications as an indefinite refugee.
** Should your application include dependents (spouse, children, siblings, etc.), please include their refugee status, birth certificates and marriage certificates.
** SCRA also requires certified copies of all your passports in your possession.
** If you claim not to have a passport, a police affidavit is required in which you must explain what happened to your travel document and how you came to South Africa.
** This will apply to your dependents as well.

How do I follow up on an existing application for certification lodged with SCRA?
** It is as easy as sending an e-mail to EnquiresSCRA@dha.gov.za In the “Subject” field of the mail please state your full name and surname, your refugee number and if available your SCRA reference number.
** Please attach to your mail your section 24 visa and any letter you might have received from SCRA in the past.
** Officials at SCRA will reply to your e-mail and should you not receive a response in 30 days you may send follow up requests at two week intervals.
** Should you still not receive any feedback you are welcome to visit our office for further assistance.

How do you submit representations to SCRA if SCRA issued you with a letter that indicates scra’s intention to withdraw your refugee status?
** If you received an Intention to Withdraw Refugee Status from SCRA you must submit representations as to why your status should not be withdrawn within 30 working days of receipt of your letter.
** Representations must be signed and dated and if your statement is more than one page make sure to sign each page.
** Your representations can be sent electronically to EnquiriesSCRA@dha.gov.za or hand delivered to 266 Pretorius str, Centre Walk Building, Office Block East, 7th floor, Pretoria, 0001.
** In your e-mail in the Subject” field of the mail please state “Representations” together with your full name and surname, your refugee number and if available your SCRA reference number.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: dha.gov.za
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