DHA Trusted Employer Scheme : Department of Home Affairs

Organisation : Department of Home Affairs (DHA)
Facility Name : Trusted Employer Scheme
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.dha.gov.za/index.php/immigration-services/trusted-employer-scheme

What is DHA Trusted Employer Scheme?

A Trusted Employer Scheme system allows a country to more easily attract skills and manage immigration, particularly when they process high volumes of applications. Operation Vulindlela recommended that South Africa should introduce a trusted-employer scheme to allow employers to be vetted and approved in advance and reduce the administrative burden for visa applications.

Related / Similar Facility : DHA SCRA Indefinite Refugee Certification

Under a trusted-employer scheme, an entity looking to employ skilled foreign labour would undergo a review assessing its fitness to import skills against established criteria (e.g. compliance with tax rules and labour regulations). The trusted employer would then have access to a simplified route for employing a determined number of skilled foreign nationals from outside the country and would be subject to reduced requirements for each visa application.

How To Apply For DHA Trusted Employer Scheme?

This application must be submitted in a file marked TRUSTED EMPLOYER SCHEME APPLICATION.

It must contain the following documents:
1. Application Form. ALL sections to be completed fully.

2.Trusted Employer Scheme submission as follows:
a) A4 Format, preferably in landscape layout on a Company’s Letterhead;
b) Should not exceed 15 pages in total (Excl. annexures);

c) Should contain the following details:
I. Brief background of the company

II. Pledges: Information on Pledges to the South African Investment Conference (SAIC) or information on the ZAR value of historical investment made in South Africa since 2018 to date.

III. Employment: Information on the total number of employees within South Africa and the % of South Africans or Permanent Residents employed as part of the permanent staff complement.

IV.Sector: Details of the Operations / Investment in Sectors identified as Priority Sectors by the Department of Trade, Industry and Competition (DTIC)

V. Skills Transfer: Information on existing Skills Transfer Programme or Graduate Development Programme for South African Citizens or Permanent Residents.

VI. Equity Equivalence: Contributions in lieu of a direct sale of equity. ownership element of B-BBEE made by Multinational companies or current B-BBEE rating.

3. Attach Annexure A: Proof of Pledges in the form of SAIC investment pledge with a letter from the DTIC confirming the pledge OR Proof of historical investment in the form of a Declaration of investment signed by the CEO, MD of the company.

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4. Attach Annexure B: Proof of Employment in the form of a copy of the EEA2 Report from the Department of Employment and Labour.

5. Attach Annexure C: Proof of Economic Sector in a form of confirmation letter from the DTIC.

6. Attach Annexure D: Proof of a Graduate Development Programme OR confirmation letter(s) from an Institutions of Learning or Recognised Training Facility. A Presentation of an Internal Graduate Programme will also be acceptable.

7. Attach Annexure E: Equity Equivalence: Proof of B-BBEE rating in a form of a B-BBEE Certificate or Agreement with the Minister/ B-BBEE commission

8. Attach Annexure F: “Tax Compliance Status” (TCS). The TCS is an electronic confirmation by SARS that an employer is up to date with his or her tax affairs.

9. Attach Annexure G: Proof of registration with the Unemployment Insurance Fund;

10. Attach Annexure H: Proof of registration with Compensation Fund for Occupational Injuries and Diseases;

11. Attach Annexure I: Proof of registration with the Companies and Intellectual Properties Commission (CPIC).

Download Application Form Here : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2024/32324-Form.doc

Selection Criteria of DHA Trusted Employer Scheme

In order to ensure that the selection process of companies is fair, ethical and transparent, the Department of Home Affairs will make use of the following score card system:

** Pledges to SAIC or Proven Investment since 2018.
** Investment within the boundaries of RSA.
** Fixed capital investment above R100 million (no operational expenditure included).
** 20 points for historical investments or SAIC Pledges between R100 million and R200 million.
** 30 points for historical investments or SAIC Pledges above R200 million.

** At least 60% of the staff complement are South African Citizens or Permanent Residents; and in terms of points allocation the following to be applicable:
** 20 points for 100 employees minimum, of which 60% are SACor PRP holders.
** 25 points for more than 150 employees of which 60% are SAC or PRP holders.

Operations / Investment in Sectors (as identified by the DTIC):
** Sector 1: Manufacturing
** Sector 2: Advanced manufacturing
** Sector 3: Services
** Sector 4: Resourced based Industries
** Sector 5: Energy (Power Generation and Renewable Energy)
** Sector 6: Infrastructure
** 10 points for the Sectors 1 to 4
** 15 points for sector 5 and 6

Skills Transfer:
** Proof of a Skills Transfer Programme, Bursary Scheme or Graduate Development Programme for South African Citizens or Permanent Residents.
** 20 points for proof of an active Skills Transfer Programme, Bursary Scheme or Graduate Development Programme

Equity Equivalence:
** 5 points for BEE level 5-8
** 10 points for BEE level 1-4
** 10 points for Equity Equivalence agreement with the DTIC

Categories: Scheme
Tags: dha.gov.za
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