Organisation : Department of Social Development (DSD)
Facility Name : Find NPO Online (Non Profit Organisations)
Country : South Africa
Website :
What is NPO?
The Nonprofit Organisations Directorate was established in terms of the Nonprofit Organisations Act 71 of 1997 to essentially administer the Register of Nonprofit Organisations in South Africa. The primary aim of the NPO Act is to create an enabling environment for NPOs, setting and maintaining adequate standards of governance and accountability by providing a voluntary registration facility for non-profit organisations.
Related / Similar Facility : NPO Online Registration
How To Find NPO Online?
Search our on-line NPO register to view the status and details of an NPO. View the status of Registered, Deregistered and Cancelled NPOs in the register. You can also report anonymously any suspicious activity you may be aware off.
Search NPO Register Here :
NPO Online Registration
The Register of Nonprofit Organisations (NPOs) is a voluntary registration facility that enhances the credibility of the registered NPO as it reports to a public office. The NPO Directorate, as a public office, holds information about registered NPOs for the public to access. This thus, increases the transparency and accountability of the organisation beyond its immediate role-plays.
This accountability and transparency improves the governance of an organisation as it is also expected that a registered NPO must comply with the requirements of the NPO Act. The NPO registration status is also a funding requirement for most donor and funding agencies. The national NPO registration facility therefore brings NPOs into a public system that allows for information about the sector to be gathered and made publicly available which in many ways increases the confidence of the public in the nonprofit sector.