Clicks Christmas Calendar Competition

Organization : Clicks
Competition Name : Clicks Christmas Calendar Competition
Applicable For : Residing in the Republic of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 23 December 2016
Prize/Win : Chevrolet Spark R145 000

Website :

Clicks Christmas Calendar Competition :

** Stand a chance to WIN daily prizes and a grand prize of a Chevrolet Spark worth R145 000! Visit the Clicks Facebook and Twitter pages for details.

Related : Clicks BabyClub & Babyline Baby Bootcamp Giveaway :

Terms and Conditions :
** By entering the 2016 Clicks Christmas Calendar competition, all participants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.
** This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook (“FB”) or Twitter.

** Any correspondence regarding this competition must be directed to Clicks and not to FB or Twitter
** All information collected pursuant to the competition is collected by Clicks and not by FB or Twitter.
** By submitting your information to Clicks, you consent to Clicks using your information in connection with the competition.

In order to be eligible to enter the competition, a participant :
** Must be at least 18 years old and residing in the Republic of South Africa;

** Visit and correctly answer the question relating to the specific brand of the day via the Clicks website complete the online entry form and tick the option confirming you have read the terms and conditions of the Christmas Calendar competition to receive one valid entry.

** Multiple entries into the daily competitions via Clicks website will be allowed but only valid and correct entries will be placed into the competition draw for the relevant number of winners to be drawn.

** Multiple entries per day are applicable to the daily prizes. The more days you enter the competition, the better your chances of winning the grand prize as one entry per day will then be entered into the grand prize.

** All participants who meet the eligibility requirements set out above will be automatically entered into the competition.

The following persons and entities are not eligible to participate in the competition :
** directors, members, partners, employees, agents of or consultants to Clicks Group Limited., its subsidiaries, divisions and/or associated companies (“Clicks”) or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by Clicks, and their spouses, life partners, immediate family members and business partners;

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** directors, members, partners, employees, agents of or consultants to the advertising and promotion agencies of Clicks and their spouses, life partners, immediate family members and business partners; and

** directors, members, partners, employees, agents of or consultants to the entities listed below (collectively, the “Sponsors”) or any other person who directly or indirectly controls or is controlled by each of the Sponsors and their spouses, life partners, immediate family members and business partners:

** The duration of the Clicks Christmas Calendar Competition will commence on Monday 07 November 2016 at 10h00 and close on Friday 23 December 2016 at 08h59. Each day the competition will start at 09h00 and end at 08h59 the following day.

** The required amount of winners will be drawn by random selection from all eligible entries each day by 12h00 (mid-day) until the competition has ended, allowing a total of 72 winners for the duration of the competition. The judges’ decision is final and no correspondence in this regard will be entered into.

The prizes for the competition are as follows :
Day 1 on 07 November: one of five L’Oreal Paris hampers valued at approximately R1635 each
Day 2 on 08 November: one Nestle hamper, valued at R1200 each
Day 3 on 09 November: one of five Pro3000 Electrical toothbrushes, valued at approximately R2000 each
Day 4 on 10 November: one Singing Machine Stage 1 karaoke player and free CDG’s from Musica, valued at approximately R1999,95 + R99,95 per CDGs

Day 5 on 11 November: one of two Regal Herbex Hampers, valued at approximately R710 each
Day 6 on 14 November: one of six L’Oreal Garnier Hampers, valued at approximately R500 each
Day 7 on 15 November: one Total Lean Shake and Pro performance amplified wheybolic extreme from GNC, valued at approximately R1598

Day 8 on 16 November: one Scholl hamper, valued at approximately R1300
Day 9 on 17 November: one of eight L’Oreal Maybelline hampers, valued at approximately R1000 each
Day 10 on 18 November: one set of JBL Flip3 speakers, valued at approximately R1995.95
Day 11 on 21 November: one of four Herbex hampers, valued at approximately R688 (female hampers) and R533 (male hampers)

Day 12 on 22 November: One Specsavers voucher valued at R2500
Day 13 on 23 November: one of two Philips Hampers, valued at approximately R3000 each
Day 14 on 24 November: one of six L’Oreal Dark & Lovely Hampers valued at approximately R250 each
Day 15 on 25 November: one Sorbet mani and pedi for two, valued at approximately R1020

Day 16 on 28 November: one of three movie experiences at Nu Metro, valued at approximately R700
Day 17 on 29 November: one Police sunglasses voucher from Execuspecs, valued at approximately R2000
Day 18 on 30 November: one of six L’Oreal Essie Hampers, valued at approximately R1000
Day 19 on 01 December: one voucher from Netflorist, valued at approximately R500
Day 20 on 02 December: one, two night stay for two at City Lodge, valued at approximately R3000

Day 21 on 05 December: one gift card from Claire’s, valued at R1500
Day 22 on 06 December: one Philips hamper, valued at approximately R6135
Day 23 on 07 December: one Smartlife Super Blender, valued at R899
Day 24 on 08 December: one Revlon electrical nail buffer, valued at approximately R399
Day 25 on 09 December: one of two his and hers fragrance gift packs, valued at approximately R484 each
Day 26 on 12 December: one Sorbet electrical foot spa, face cleanser, massager and rejuvenator, valued at approximately R1156

Day 27 on 13 December: one Safeway Novelty Gummy Maker, valued at R449
Day 28 on 14 December: one D’Licious Chocolates Hamper, valued at R500
Day 29 on 15 December: one Clicks Sun Protect Hamper, valued at approximately R500
Day 30 on 16 December: one Safeway Salon Series Straightener and Auto Rotate Curling Iron, valued at approximately R798
Day 31 on 19 December: one Kambrook Aspire Copper range hamper, including a kettle, toaster and blender, valued at approximately R2027

Day 32 on 20 December: one facial treatment for two people from Sorbet, valued at R580
Day 32 on 21 December: one Axe, Dove and Tresemme Hamper, valued at approximately R990
Day 34 on 22 December: one Police sunglasses voucher from Execuspecs R2000
Day 35 on 23 December: one Clicks Gift Card valued at R1000
Grand prize: a Chevrolet Spark 1.2 LS, valued at R145 000

Categories: Contest

View Comments (3)

  • I just want to know if someone already won the car.

  • It seems I am not the only one to open the days on calendar? Is this real, or are you trying to fool people?

  • PLEASE HELP. I CANNOT OPEN THE CALENDAR COMPETITION PAGE. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map