Defy Go Green and Save Promotional Competition

Organization : Defy Appliances (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Defy Go Green and Save Promotional Competition
Applicable For : Open to South African citizen
Competition Deadline : 31 December 2016
Prize/Win : R4000.00

Website :

Defy Go Green and Save Promotional Competition :

Terms & Conditions :
** This competition will run from 1 November 2016 until 31 December 2016.

Related : Defy Bring Home the Gold Competition :

To qualify as an entrant into this promotional competition you must :
** Be a South African citizen; Residing in South Africa. Over the age of 18. Have a valid ID book.
** Enter this promotional competition in your personal capacity and not as a business.
** For example no close corporations, partnerships or any other legal entity can participate.

Promotion :
** Upon purchasing a DEFY Dishwasher the customer will receive a scratchcard from a DEFY sales person.
** Scratch the card to find your unique number.
** Dial *120*20202# and enter your unique 10 digit number.
** Once this is done you will be prompted to enter your till slip number.
** You will then be told immediately if you have won a prize.
** The cost of the USSD line is 20 cents (R0.20) per 20 seconds.

** Only 2 entries per phone number are allowed for the duration of the campaign.
** No other form of entry will be accepted.
** The winners will be notified instantly and they will be called by a consultant within 72 hours.
** All incorrect entries will be billed for.

** The bill payer’s permission is required to enter.
** By dialing the number *120*20202# the user becomes bound by these Terms and conditions.
** Till slips must be retained as proof of purchase.

Related Post

** The consumer’s entry will be withdrawn if any goods purchased in connection with the Promotion are returned before the competition entry data file is extracted for purposes of doing the draw.

Prizes :
** Each entrant will stand a chance to win 1 (ONE) of 200 (Two Hundred) R4000.00 (Four Thousand Rand) cash prizes.
** All Payments will be made by FONEWORX by 31 January 2017.

General :
** The Promoter of this promotional competition is Defy (“the Promoters”).
** This Promotional Competition and the awarding of prizes are held in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act, 2008 and specifically the regulations governing promotional competitions.

** The Promoters, its directors, members, partners, employees, agents or consultants and their spouses, life partners, parents, children, siblings, business partners or associates and outlet owners and staff are not eligible to participate in or enter this promotional competition.

** All information relating to this promotional competition and published on any promotional or advertising material forms part of these terms and conditions of entry.

** Upon entering this promotional competition the entrant agrees to receive marketing information, updates, special offers etc. from DEFY until such time as the entrant decides to opt out of receiving such marketing material.
** In the event of a dispute, the decision of the Promoters will be final and binding on all aspects of this promotional competition and no correspondence will be entered into.

** The Promoters, their directors, members, partners, employees, agents, consultants, suppliers, contractors and sponsors assume no liability whatsoever for any direct or indirect loss or damage arising from a entrant’s participation in this promotional competition or for any loss or damage, howsoever arising.

** By accepting the prize the winners consent to have the Promoters publish the winners’ names and photographs in any advertising, promotional, print, point of sale or public relations material, the nature and manner of such releases to be determined within the sole discretion of the Promoter.

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