DBE NSC/SC Religion Studies Exam Papers May/June 2023 : education.gov.za

Organisation : Department of Basic Education (DBE)
Exam Name : National Senior Certificate (NSC) / Senior Certificate (SC) Examinations
Facility : Download Exam Papers
Month &Year : May/June 2023
Subject : Religion Studies
Medium : English
Papers : Paper 1 & Paper 2
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.education.gov.za/Curriculum/NationalSeniorCertificate(NSC)Examinations/2023MayJuneExamPapers.aspx

DBE NSC/SC Religion Studies Exam Paper

Download Department of Basic Education (DBE) National Senior Certificate (NSC) / Senior Certificate (SC) Examinations May/June 2023 Religion Studies Paper 1 & Paper 2 (English) Exam Papers.

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Section A (Compulsory):
Question 1:
1.1 Various options are provided as possible answers to the following questions. Choose the answer and write only the letter (A–D) next to the question numbers (1.1.1 to 1.1.10) in the ANSWER BOOK, e.g. 1.1.11 D.

1.1.1 This school of Buddhism claims to be based on the original beliefs and practice of the Buddha:
A Mahayana Buddhism
B Tibetan Buddhism
C Theravada Buddhism
D Zen Buddhism

1.1.2 The Book of Mormon is the sacred text of …
A Mahayana Buddhism.
B the Bahá’i faith.
C Hinduism.
D the Latter-day Saints.

1.1.3 A state of altered and peaceful consciousness is called …
A transformation.
B trance.
C transcendence.
D Nirvana.

1.1.4 Islam is a/an … religion.
A Abrahamic
B African
C New Age
D Western

1.1.5 Umafungwashe in Nguni tradition is the …
A firstborn male.
B firstborn female.
C last-born male.
D last-born female.

1.1.6 A number of gods in a particular religious tradition is known as …
A a pantheon.
B Secularism.
C the elite.
D philanthropic.

Related Post

1.1.7 A collection of sacred Buddhist texts and stories:
A Eightfold Path
B Kitáb-i-Aqdas
C Sangha
D Tripitaka

1.1.8 All Muslims, regardless of race, should regard one another as brother and sister:
A Ahimsa
B Ummah
C Imam
D Sharia

1.1.9 This religion was founded by Guru Nanak and is a monotheistic religion:
A Hinduism
B Confucianism
C Sikhism
D Bahá’i faith

1.1.10 The Tao Te Ching was written by …
A Advaita Vedanta.
B Venkatesanda.
C the Dalai Lama.
D Lao-tzu

1.2 Give ONE word/term for each of the following descriptions. Write only the word/term next to the question numbers (1.2.1 to 1.2.6) in the ANSWER BOOK.
1.2.1 The person who wrote the Kitáb-i-Aqdas
1.2.2 Orthodox Jews strictly obey this law
1.2.3 Set of views about ultimate reality or divinity
1.2.4 Universally-held principle of treating others as one wants to be treated
1.2.5 An approach that does not reject God’s existence, but simply ignores it
1.2.6 A deep and solemn religious pledge, a promise

1.4 Choose the word(s) in EACH list below that do(es) NOT match the rest. Write down the word(s) next to the question numbers (1.4.1 to 1.4.5) in the

ANSWER BOOK and give a reason why it does NOT fit.
EXAMPLE: Red; Yellow; Circle; Blue
ANSWER: Circle
REASON: The other three are colours.

1.4.1 Monotheism; Atheism; Polytheism; Theism
1.4.2 Islam; Taoism; Bahá’i; Judaism
1.4.3 Gentile; Five Pillars; Four Noble Truths; Trinity
1.4.4 Rabbi; Bishop; Spirit; Imam
1.4.5 Moksha; Heresy; Karma; Dharma

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