cipc.co.za Track Progress of Application Status : Companies and Intellectual Property Commission

Name of the Organization : Companies and Intellectual Property Commission
Status of Facility : Track Progress of Application
Head Office : Pretoria

Website : https://www.cipc.co.za/

How To Track CIPC Progress of Application?

To track the progress of the following e-service transactions, sign in with your customer code and password, and click on Transaction Status :
** Name Reservations
** Company Registrations

Related / Similar Facility : CIPC Deregistering/ Closing your Company

** Company director changes
** Close corporation member amendments

Steps :
** Go to the e-services website.
** Sign in with your user name and customer code
** Select Transaction Status

To track the progress of any other documents, follow these steps :
** Go to Online Transacting
** Select Customers
** Select Document Status
** Sign in with your Customer Code and Password to view the status of your applications
** To check the tracking number, go to “Customer Transactions” under “Customers”.

Related Post

CIPC Online Transacting

Register as a Customer :
** To do any transactions with CIPC, you first have to register as a customer.

E-Services :
** Name Reservations
** Company Registrations (Private and Non-Profit)
** Company Director changes (CoR39)
** Close corporation member amendments (CK2)
** Annual returns
** Company and close corporation address changes

** Company and close corporation fin year end changes
** Certificates & Disclosures
** Enterprise Enquiry
** Customer Transactions
** Check Document Status
** Name Search

Contact Address

Shop L309
Level 3
Sunnypark Shopping Centre
Cnr Steve Biko & Robert Sobukwe Streets

Benefits of CIPC

CIPC (Companies and Intellectual Property Commission) is a South African regulatory body that is responsible for registering and regulating companies and intellectual property in the country. Here are some benefits of CIPC:

Company Registration:
CIPC is responsible for registering new companies and businesses in South Africa, which is a necessary step for starting a legal business in the country.

Intellectual Property Registration:
CIPC also manages the registration of various forms of intellectual property, including patents, trademarks, and copyrights, which can help protect the creative and innovative works of individuals and companies.

Business Compliance:
CIPC ensures that registered companies comply with the regulations and laws of South Africa, which can help maintain the integrity of the country’s business environment.

Access To Business Information:
CIPC provides access to a range of business information, including company reports and financial statements, which can be useful for market research and competitive analysis.

Tags: cipc.co.za

View Comments (2)

  • Quinton Jacobs says:

    Good morning,I have just found out that my business name has been de-registered could you kindly let me know why....it is Clervu Auto Glass

  • Jeffrey Bagopi says:

    I like to apply for BBBEE Certificate. Please help me to get through online (or) send me the Certificate. I paid my CK on 23/01/2019. The company is Bagopi Art Picture Studio and Reference number is BAGOPI. Can you please send me, because I need to update some other institutions.

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