University of Zululand ITS iEnabler :

Organization Name : University of Zululand
Facility Name : ITS iEnabler
Country : South Africa
Website :

How To Access University of Zululand ITS iEnabler?

iEnabler allows all currents students/alumni to log in to access their UNIZULU information online. Student can use iEnabler to access academic record, financial statement, Results and Residence Application. Students are required to use 5 digits PIN they were given during Online Registration.

Related / Similar Facility : University of Zululand Learning Management Systems

Off Campus Access Link to ITS Self-Service iEnabler:

Accessing iEnabler via university website:
Open your browser and type Under Student Zone > Select iEnabler The above page will appear and you use:

** Username: Student Number
** Pin: 5 Digits (PIN)

UNIZULU Requesting & Managing your Password

Password Management:
You can manage password changes at Password Self-Service. All registered students in 202, will have their unique password send to their emails and via SMS and Should you fail to get it kindly log a call at Student Labs Helpdesk

Password regulations:
When choosing a password, please adhere to these requirements:
** Your password must be at least 14 characters long, with no spaces.
** Your password is not case sensitive.
** Your password can include a mix of letters, special characters and numbers.
** Your password cannot include text that is easy to guess – such as “123”, “abc” or your Unizulu username.
** You cannot use a password that you have used in the past.

Your password is critical for your access to almost majority of Unizulu services:
** Do not share your password with anyone.
** Protect your password in the same way as you would your bank card PIN.
** Never allow other people access to your email or network account – because you are liable for any email sent using your email address.

Software Installation Request on your Devices:
Some of the software available to students includes the following applications: Antivirus Support

Symantec Endpoint Protection:
Statistical analysis:
** Nvivo

** EndNote
** RefWorks

UNIZULU Student Help & Support

Contact our Service Desk by logging a call via email or call us at:
** Kwa-Dlangezwa Campus 035 902 6017/6018
** Richards Bay Campus 035 902 6912

IT Student log reporting via Email:
** Kwa-Dlangezwa Campus 035 902 6017/6018
** Richards Bay Campus 035 902 6912

Student Walk-In Centres:
Student labs provides student walk-in assistance across its both campuses.

Services provided include:
** Friendly, knowledgeable, hands-on staff is always available and ready to assist students with any issue relating to technical and blended learning issues.
** Resetting of Student Active Directory (AD) services (includes password reset, enable/disable student accounts)
** Also to configure Troubleshooting (hardware diagnostics) their devices, so that it connects safely to the UNIZULU network.
** Configuration of Student mobile devices (Laptops, Smartphones and Tablets). Includes configuration of email accounts and wireless connectivity
** We also provide basic Windows support and basic hardware troubleshooting.
** Installation/a How to steps on: Unizulu software’s (Microsoft Office365, SPSS, NVivo, Arc-GIS, Antivirus and Endnote)
** Students also obtain the latest anti-virus support and updates from this team on daily basis.
** Helpdesk Support is Not limited to educational software’s only.
** We also advice students on: iEnabler access
** access to results, apply for residence, online application, proof of registration, fees statement
** Remote Assistance (via TeamViewer)

Unizulu Student Walk-in Centre location:
** Kwa-Dlangezwa Campus – HP Lab & B-Lab
** Richards Bay Campus – Second Floor.

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