MIE Identity Verification & Passport/Citizen Check

Organisation : Managed Integrity Evaluation (MIE)
Facility Name : Identity Verification
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.mie.co.za/services/id-verification-overview

How To Verify Identity at MIE Portal?

Allows you to check and verify that a specified South African ID and/or passport number is valid. You can also check the Nationality of a person by conducting a citizenship check.

Related / Similar Facility : MIE Credit & Sequestration Check

ID Verification:
This check confirms that the ID number provided does in fact belong to the particular individual. The verification is conducted by matching the Name and Surname of the individual to the ID number provided.

MIE ID Validation:
This check confirms whether the ID number is a correctly formatted South African identity number.

Citizenship Check:
This check confirms if a candidate holds valued South African Citizenship.

Passport Check:
The Passport Check confirms that the passport is valid as per the Department of Home Affairs.

How To Verify Visa at MIE Portal?

MIE guarantees effective verification of non-SA citizens right to work. Ensure that your candidate has a work permit relevant to the position.

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Visa Verification:
Verify the validity of a temporary permit as well as verify the validity of a work permit document

Permanent & Temporary Residence Permits:
Temporary Residence Permits:
Temporary residence permits are issued on request to applicants who intend to visit South Africa for a period of over three-months but not exceeding three-years. A Work Permit can also be classified under a Temporary permit category.

Permanent Residence Permits:
A foreigner qualifies for a direct permanent residence permit if the applicant has lived in South Africa on the basis of a work permit for a minimum of five-years.

Permanent Residency-on-other-grounds permits applies to foreigners who:
** Are in possession of a permanent work offer in South Africa
** Have exceptional skills and qualifications
** Intend to establish a business in South Africa
** Qualify as refugees in terms of Section 27(c) of the Refugees Act
** Qualify as retired persons
** Are financially independent or
** Are relatives (biologically or judicially adopted) of a South African citizen or permanent residence permit holder.

How To Verify Asylum Seeker and Refugee Permit?

MIE can verify the validity of an Asylum seeker and refugee permit

This check confirms whether an individual who has obtained citizenship for South Africa, was previously a citizen of another country.

Screening History:
This report lists all the verifications previously performed by MIE on a candidate, providing high-level insight into the candidate’s profile.

Marital Trace:
This check verifies an individual’s marital status, as registered in South Africa’s official Register.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: mie.co.za
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