Falcon Shipment Tracking Online

Organisation : Falcon
Facility Name : Track Your Shipment Online
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.falcon.africa/

How To Track Falcon Shipment Online?

Falcon currently utilises Parcel Perfect. This software is specifically designed to meet the requirements of a company such as ours. All our parcels are barcoded and scanned in and out of vehicles so we have time and date stamps for each and every time that the parcel is handled. This ensures that we are able to accurately locate any parcel, at any given time. All Proof of Deliveries (POD’s) are scanned into our system and these are available to you on our portal for viewing.

Related / Similar Facility : Value Express Parcel Tracking

Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.falcon.africa/tracking/
Step-2 : Enter Waybill Number
Step-3 : Click On Submit Button

FAQ On Falcon

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Falcon

How can we help?
At Falcon we are driven by the necessity to innovate. Through the application of technology and through our customised solutions and tailor-made products, we are able to offer our clients a unique advantage in an increasingly competitive marketplace.

Need help to track a parcel?
If you do have a Waybill number but can not retrieve a result kindly contact us here: 0860 325 266

Looking For Proof of Delivery?
If you have an account and would like to access PODs login in here: Customer Portal

What services do we offer?
** Overnight Express: This service allows you to send an item for delivery by 11h00 the next business day.
** Same Day Express: This service is for deliveries made on the same day as collection.
Road Freight: This is a service for the shipment of heavy goods that will be delivered within 48 to 72 hours.
** Warehousing & Distribution: This service if for the temporary storage of goods that will then be shipped to various destinations points for the wholesale and retail sector.
** Retail Chains & FMCG: This service is a regular delivery service to a network of retail and hospitality businesses.
** Pharmaceutical: This service is our trusted transport of medical and pharmaceutical supplies to clinics and hospitals.

What is our fleet capacity?
Falcon run a mixed fleet of 75 Vehicles – Smallest being a ½ ton and our largest being a 14ton. Our onsite workshop meticulously maintains our fleet. All vehicles are fitted with live tracking. We are currently installing CCTV into our fleet – this is an ongoing project. We now have 30% of our fleet with this system installed and fully operational.

Can you rely on us?
Falcon run 40 – 60 routes a day to ensure deliveries are done timeously. Falcon has invested heavily in its systems. Our inflight SWAD machine captures all weights, dimensions and images of all packages. Our mobile application, system integration capture live PODs. The PODs, images and supporting docs are integrated into your system seamlessly—24-hour support from our teams to affect your customers’ service.

What is our commitment to you?
Falcon is a performance driven business. We are here to offer you excellent service, value, reliability, and tailor made logistic solutions.

Falcon Contact

Call us on : 0860 325 266
Mail us at : hello [AT] falcon.africa

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