: SAB South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme

Name of the Organization : South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme
Type of Facility : SAB South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme
Head Office : Durban

Website :

What is South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme?

** Where everything you need to know about your Scheme is just a click away. Our website contains a large amount of information that caters for a varied audience, so please ensure that you select the correct place to start.

Related : PG Group Medical Scheme Membership Application :

** Are you an employer, member, service provider or are you just looking for some general information about SAB Medical Aid? Whichever you are, we have the right information at your finger tips.
** “Information Centre” is where all important documents are kept (brochure, benefit newsletter, etc).
** “Members” is for you and me, the members of the Scheme who just want to look at YOUR OWN profile.

** “Employers” is for the human resources and salaries people who want to access their company profile.
** “Providers” is for all service providers.
** “Contact Info” gives you all the information you need to contact us any way that suits you.
** The first thing that you need to do to access the information on our website is register for “online access”.

Registration Process :
Member :
** Go to member and click on the register button.

Employer and Provider :
** Registering is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

1. fill in the application for online access
2. print it out and sign it
3. fax it to us on the number at the top of the form

** We will then give you a call to confirm that you are who you say you are and shortly thereafter we will send you a username and password to the email address that you asked us to send it to.
** Wishing you good health and looking forward to seeing you online!

Admission Date shall mean:
** In respect of an Employer, the date on which the contract between the Scheme and the Employer becomes operative;
** In respect of a Member, the date on which he becomes a Member;
** In respect of a Dependant, the date upon which such Dependant is registered as a Dependant in terms of the Rules;

** shall mean a Member or a person admitted as a Dependant of a member;

Benefit/s :
** shall mean the amount/s payable in terms of these Rules to a Member, whether for himself or in respect of his Dependant;

Board :
** shall mean the Board of Trustees constituted to manage the Scheme in terms of the Act and these Rules;

Contact Address :
Postal Address :
PO Box 2338 –
Durban – 4000

Physical Address :
1-3 Canegate Road
La Lucia Ridge

FAQ On South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme

Q: What is the South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme (SAMBS)?
A: The South African Breweries Medical Aid Scheme (SAMBS) is a medical aid scheme established by South African Breweries (SAB) to provide medical aid benefits to its employees and their dependents.

Q: Who is eligible to join SAMBS?
A: Employees of South African Breweries and their dependents are eligible to join SAMBS.

Q: What benefits does SAMBS offer?
A: SAMBS offers a range of benefits including hospitalization benefits, chronic medication benefits, day-to-day benefits, preventative care benefits, and emergency medical transportation benefits.

Q: How do I join SAMBS?
A: To join SAMBS, you need to be an employee of South African Breweries and complete the application process.


View Comments (1)

  • HP Stelzer says:

    The Staff of the new Administrator is unbelievingly bad. They do not know what they are writing or talking about.
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