Birthday Celebration Big Mac Medium Meal Discount : Auram Restaurant Company

Organization : Auram Restaurant Company (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : Birthday Celebration – Big Mac Medium Meal Discount
Applicable For : South African Citizen
Competition Deadline : 10.30 am on 8 November 2016
Prize/Win : R21.00 for the Big Mac Medium Meal

Website :

Birthday Celebration – Big Mac Medium Meal Discount :

** This promotional offer is run by Auram Restaurant Company (Pty) Ltd.
** The limited offer price reduction on a Big Mac Medium Meal is valid from 10.30 am on 8 November 2016 only at participating McDonald’s restaurants.

Related : MasterCard The APP-SOLUTE Fun with Friends and Family Promotion :

** Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupons will be handed out at participating McDonald’s restaurants on 8 November 2016.
** Each customer is entitled to redeem only one Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupon at any one time and subject to handing over a valid Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupon to the dedicated front counter cashier.

** At selected McDonald’s restaurants, customers will be permitted to redeem their Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupon at the drive through counter.
** Terms and conditions for redemption to be applied at the drive through counter will be determined by McDonald’s but in no event will more than four (4) coupons be permitted per car and always subject to one Big Mac Medium Meal per person.

** Order a Big Mac Medium Meal, present and handover the discount coupon and you will only pay R21.00 for the Big Mac Medium Meal (R49.95 recommended retail price).
** Big Mac Medium Meals will be given out on a first come first serve basis to the first 1000 customers wishing to redeem a valid Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupon or when the restaurant closes on the 8 of November 2016, whichever comes first.

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** If there is any doubt with regards to the authenticity of a coupon, McDonald’s reserve the right to decline to exchange the coupon. McDonald’s decision is final regarding all and any aspect of the promotion and no further correspondence will be entered into.

** Customers who are in the restaurant or Drive-Thru purchasing other products and wish to claim the reduced price Big Mac Medium Meal, may be requested to join the specific promotion redemption queue.
** Big Mac Medium Meal discount coupon cannot be exchanged for cash or used in conjunction with other McDonald’s South Africa promotional offers.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law (but not otherwise) McDonald’s and its agents for administering the promotion assume no responsibility and are not liable for:
(i) the accuracy or otherwise of the product description or illustration,
(ii) the non-availability, loss, interception or interference with, late receipt or damage of or to any coupon or notification or other communication,

(iii) any representation, warranty, condition or guarantee in respect of a product.
** If this promotion is interfered with in any way or is not capable of being conducted as reasonably anticipated due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of McDonald’s, McDonald’s reserves the right to the extent permitted by law

(a) to disqualify any entrant; or
(b) to modify, suspend, terminate or cancel the promotion, as appropriate.
** This promotional offer is not available through

Contact Address :
Auram Restuarant Company (Pty) Ltd
85 Grayston Drive,
Sandton, 2196,
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