Musica The shoX Competition

Organization : Musica
Competition Name : The shoX Competition
Applicable For : citizens of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 24th Dec 2016
Prize/Win : R30 000.

Website :

The shoX Competition :

** Stand to WIN a cash prize of 30 000 bucks and weekly prizes when you buy any shoX product in the Musica store, snap a selfie with the product and your till slip and send it in a message on Facebook to The shoX SA page

Related : Musica’s Bastille ClubCard Competition :

Terms and Conditions :
1. The name of the competition is The shoX competition.
2. The competition runs from 20th Oct – 24th Dec.
3. Entry to the competition closes on 24th Dec at 11h59.

4. The competition is open to natural persons:
5. Who are citizens of, and living in, the Republic of South Africa, and
6. Entries are limited to one entry per person/per purchase. All additional entries will not be valid.
7. No entries by post or any other form will be accepted, only via Facebook.

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8. Condition of entry :
8.1 Purchase any ShoX product.
8.2 Send a message by using shoX Facebook page @shoXsa.
8.3 Follow the cues – send a selfie of you & your speaker & your till slip as proof of purchase.

9. All valid entries will be collated for entry into a random draw for a chance to win R30 000. A winner will be randomly selected and contacted by cell phone.
10. This prize is non-transferable.
11. A winner will be announced on the 28th Dec 2016.

12. A winner will be contacted by phone. The cash prize will be paid into the winners’ bank account within one week of announcing the winner. If we are unable to contact a winner within 2 days, the winner will forfeit the prize and we reserve the right to draw a new winner under the same conditions. We may require the winners to be identified to ensure the T&C’s are being abided by.

13. You may not win a prize if it is unlawful for us to supply such a prize to you. If you do win such a prize, you will forfeit it. You must be eligible to win the prize.

14. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any entrant suspected of fraud or cheating including without limitations, through the manipulation of code or otherwise frequently falsifying data.
15. If the winner/s fail/s to comply with any of these rules, the winner will be disqualified and will forfeit the prize.**

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