SACTWU Bursary Fund 2024 : Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union

Organisation : Southern African Clothing and Textile Workers Union (SACTWU)
Scholarship Name : SACTWU Bursary Fund 2024
Applicable For : SACTWU Members
Applicable Country : South Africa
Last Date : 29th February 2024
Website : https://sactwu.org.za/bursary/

What is SACTWU Bursary Fund?

SACTWU offers a Bursary Fund to qualifying SACTWU members, their children, legally adopted children, their husbands and wives that are studying at Public Universities and Private Institutions that are registered under the Department of Higher Education. The bursary qualifying amount would be equivalent to 75% of the tuition fees per academic year. Closing date is 29th February 2024.

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Who Can Apply For SACTWU Bursary Fund?

** SACTWU qualifying members
** SACTWU qualifying member’s spouse
** SACTWU qualifying member’s children and legally adopted children who are 25 years or younger and are unemployed.

SACTWU member who has paid up union fees as at the end of July of the previous year and has met all the requirements of the bursary rules as stated on the bursary application form. This member is then referred to as a qualifying member of the SACTWU Bursary Fund.

How To Apply For SACTWU Bursary Fund?

** You got to complete a SACTWU bursary application form. Forms are available before the end o the year at SACTWU offices and on the SACTWU Bursary website : http://www.sactwu.org.za/bursary
** You can ask for assistance from any SACTWU Office to complete the bursary application form which is a service that is offered free of any charges.

SACTWU Bursary Application Form : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2024/29502-Form.pdf
SACTWU Bursary Rules : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2024/29502-Rules.pdf
SACTWU Bursary FAQs : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2024/29502-FAQ.pdf

Please complete all information requested on the application form:
1. Write clearly and legibly (please PRINT).
2. Please ensure that all documents are certified copies and are submitted promptly. (Your local Post Office or Police Station will be able to certify documents)

The following documents must be submitted with this application form:
1. Certified copy of learner’s identity document or birth certificate
2. Certified copy of both parents’ identity document
3. Latest original pay slip of parent who is a member of SACTWU
4. Copy of sick fund card
5. Original letter, statement or invoice from school confirming learner’s fees
6. School’s Bank account details
7. Proof for difference in surnames (e.g. Affidavit and marriage certificate)

Important Information To Note:
1. A once off annual payment with a maximum of R2250 will be paid per learner.
2. Payment for each learner will be made directly to the school.
3. Only children of SACTWU members qualify for this payment.
4. All applicants will receive written notification of acceptance or otherwise.

Application Must Be Posted To:
SACTWU Bursary Department
P.O. Box 18359
Dalbridge 4014
Tel (031) 015 5510
Fax 086 5003646

Note: Emailed /Faxed copies will not be accepted.

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SACTWU Bursary Fund Rules

1. Studies at all South African universities and university of technology qualify. Only Colleges that are registered with the Department of Higher Education qualify. A private higher education institution is one registered with the Department of Higher Education as at 1 January 2024 and would include provisionally registered institutions. Only courses accredited by the Department of Higher Education for such institutions would qualify. An updated list with qualifying institutions will be available on the SACTWU Website and SACTWU office. You can also get this information from the Department of Higher Education’s website at http://www.dhet.gov.za

2. Applications for study at any FET / TVET College shall not be considered. SACTWU does not sponsor FET / TVET Colleges.

3. Only SACTWU members, SACTWU Staff and their spouse and child dependants’ qualify. A certified copy of an unabridged birth certificate from the Department of Home Affairs indicating the names of their biological parents must be submitted for all child dependents. Non-members do not qualify. Child dependants who are employed fulltime do not qualify. In order to qualify you must be a paid-up SACTWU member 13 weeks before 1 November 2023. In other words, you must be a paid up SACTWU member by the 31st July 2024.

4. Bursaries are granted automatically (subject to the rules) to dependants who are 25 years or younger. Applicants who are over 25 years are subjected to scrutiny by a committee. This will be applicable if they have received a SACTWU bursary previously. The bursary will be equivalent to 75% of the qualifying tuition fees per academic year subject to such maxima as the union’s national structures may decide from time to time.

5. Spouses are considered as a dependant and will receive half of the qualifying bursary amount for 2024. Payment to spouses in 2024 shall be reconsidered once the number of applicants within this category has been determined for 2024.

6. Once a learner qualifies for a bursary, and the member is subsequently retrenched or has retired, the learner may apply for another bursary in subsequent years for the same degree or diploma of study provided that the retrenched member has not found work in an industry not covered by SACTWU. This application will be referred to the bursary committee for consideration.

7. The bursary qualifying amount would be equivalent to 75% of the tuition fees per academic year, subject to such maxima as the union’s national structures may decide from time to time. The union has now decided that the maximum payable will be R23450 to the Public University.

8. Post Graduate. Degrees B-Tech, Diplomas and Certificates (Public University) – Bursaries are payable to all students who are studying a recognised Post Graduate (Honours), Degree, B-Tech, Diploma and Certificate at a university and university of technology.

9. Degrees B-Tech, Diplomas and Certificates (Private Institution) – Only courses accredited by the DoE for such institutions would qualify. This bursary is only payable at a private institution for as long as the degree in question is accredited and if the degree is no longer accredited, then the bursary will be discontinued. The bursary qualifying amount would be equivalent to 75% of the tuition fees up to a maximum of R4690 per academic year. This means we do not pay more than R4690 to the Private Institution.

10. Application for study at bridging institutions shall not be considered. Certain bridging courses/subjects will be considered only if they will be credited towards the degree. This policy is being reviewed and may change in future.

11. When a learner fails a year or semester of studies, such learner may not qualify for a bursary the following year or semester. Only exceptional cases will be considered on merit.

12. Those learners who fail, but wish to change their course of study, then they will be debited the full cost(100%) of the bursary qualifying amount for the year of study they failed and thereafter be considered for the new course of study, and then receive any credits due to them. No payment will be made in respect of failed courses or subjects being carried over to the next year or semester of study.

13. Those learners that pass may qualify for a bursary for the next year of study, provided they apply again and provided the place they study at is on the union’s list of qualifying institutions for that year concerned (i.e. for the subsequent year of study).

14. Those learners who complete their year of study and subsequently change to a new course of study will be debited 50% of the bursary for the year they did not complete and thereafter be considered for the new course of study and then receive any credits due to them.

15. Those learners who do not complete their year of study and subsequently change to a new course of study may apply for a bursary. However, they will be debited for the cost of the bursary for the year of study they did not complete and thereafter be considered for the new course of study.

What is the Last Date of SACTWU Bursary Fund?

Last Date of SACTWU Bursary Fund is 29th February 2024

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