GOOD Political Party Online Donation : forgood.org.za

Organisation : GOOD Political Party
Facility Name : Donate Online
Country : South Africa
Website : https://forgood.org.za/

How To Donate For GOOD Political Party Online?

Any amount helps us achieve our goals of creating a GOOD South Africa. GOOD requires your support to get the GOOD message out to people. Please feel free to contribute towards our GOOD movement so that we can build the great country our citizens deserve.

Message us to discuss payments and or make a direct deposit into the following account:
Account Name: Good · Account Number: 62800584064
Account Bank: FNB · Branch Code: 210554 · Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Donate Now: https://forgood.org.za/donate/

Who is GOOD?

Our members and supporters follow these GOOD values:

Politics as usual has earned a reputation of being dishonest and immune from the truth. Leadership is a privilege. It is a privilege we will never abuse. We will lead in truth – even when the truth is not popular.

We recognise the critical bonds that exist between us. This is the foundation of our society. The progress and success of the country that we share, that we call home, depends on strengthening these bonds.

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Trust is something that is earned through truth. Our pledge is to be truthful and trustworthy.

The world’s climate is changing faster than scientists initially expected. We are consuming and destroying the natural resources that give us life. If we do not act, now, our environment will not be able to sustainably and reliably provide us with the homes, food and water that we and our children will need.

South Africa remains a state of deep-rooted inequalities. Despite progress, democracy hasn’t reversed that. Equity is an outcome of addressing inequality.

The centuries of oppression and exclusion that is our country’s history still linger today. We believe in a South Africa built on spatial, social, economic and environmental justice.

Public service is service of the public. Political power must embody the privilege to serve, not to be served.

Basic Income Grant

The South African government provides grants to various categories of South Africans in need of financial support. Some of these include the child support grant, disability grant, older persons grant and more. GOOD will offer the most comprehensive, and properly costed, social security package of all political parties in the next election. But what of those who don’t qualify for any of these grants but earn no income and can’t make ends meet?

During Covid-19, the government introduced a Social Relief of Distress (SRD) grant of R350 per month for those aged 18-60 who have insufficient financial means to support themselves and don’t qualify for any other grant. But the SRD grant comes nowhere near fulfilling the need it was created for, and has not even risen with inflation since it was introduced in 2020. The Basic Income Grant is an extension of the SRD grant, making it permanent and matching it with the lower bound poverty line, thus pulling people out of poverty

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