1Life Insurance Back to School Policyholder Competition 2023

Organisation : 1Life Insurance Limited
Competition Name : Back to School Policyholder Competition 2023
Applicable For : Policyholders with a biological child or financially dependent child who is attending school in 2024
Prize : R5 000 will be paid directly to the child’s school
Last Date : 31st December 2023
Website : https://www.1life.co.za/

What is 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition?

Back to School Policyholder Competition 2023 is organised by 1Life Insurance Limited. This competition is only open to policyholders with a biological child or financially dependent child who is attending school in 2024. To enter the competition, participants are required to Fill in the competition survey provided and provide your details. The competition commences on 6th December 2023 and ends on 31st December 2023.

Eligibility of 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition

This competition is only open to policyholders with a biological child or financially dependent child who is attending school in 2024.

The competition is not open to:
1. Directors, members, partners, agents, employees or consultants of 1Life Insurance and/ or any of their associated or affiliated companies and/ or agencies or any supplier of goods or services in connection with a competition; and
2. The spouse, life partner, business partner or associate, or the natural or adopted parent, child or sibling, of any person specified in the above.

You may not participate in or be eligible to win a competition if you have won a competition promoted by 1Life Insurance within the past three months. You will be eligible to participate in a competition promoted by 1Life Insurance after the expiry of three months after the date on which you won the last competition.

How To Enter in the 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition?

To enter the competition, participants are required to do the following, Fill in the competition survey provided and provide your details. Only one entry will be accepted per person, per week. Multiple entries from the same person will be disqualified.

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Prizes of 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition

R5 000 will be paid directly to the child’s school and R5 000 will be paid in cash to the parent or guardian of the child.

Requirements You Must Meet To Use The Prize:
** Any costs or expenses which you may incur other than in respect of those items specifically included in a prize are for your own account.
** 1Life Insurance will not be responsible for any costs or expenses which you, or your partner (if applicable), incur during and for purposes of your entry into the competition and your acceptance and/or use of a prize.
** You must possess whatever documents and permissions that may be required in order to accept and use a prize, which documents and permissions is your responsibility to obtain at your own cost, and which documents and permissions must remain valid in such minimum form and for such minimum period after the prize date as may be required by the relevant authorities.
** 1Life Insurance may require you to provide us with such additional information and documentation as we may reasonably require in order to process, confirm and facilitate your acceptance and/or use of a prize.
** If you refuse to provide us with the requested information or documentation, you will forfeit the prize.

Delivery/ Collection/ Acceptance of Prize:
** 1Life Insurance will contact the winner to arrange the collection/ delivery of the prize.
** In the event that you win a prize provided by a third party supplier, the supplier will contact you to arrange the collection thereof.
** In this regard, you must collect the prize at the time and date arranged with the supplier of the prize.
** All correspondence regarding the prize must be directed at the supplier of the prize. 1Life will not be responsible for any further correspondence, harm, damage, loss or claim relating to the provision of any element of the prize.

How will winners be notified?
** The winner will be notified by means of the contact details provided to 1Life.
** The winner will be notified and contacted within 10 days of the closing date of the competition.
** The announcement will be made on 1Life’s social media pages, along with the winner’s initials, surname, and an optional picture of the winner, which the winner will be required to provide to 1Life. The winner may decline such an invitation to provide a picture.
** The winner will be notified, and the cash portion of the prize paid by 5 January. School fees will be paid directly to the school once the relevant details have been supplied by the winner to 1Life.

What happens if the winner cannot be contacted or is not able to take up the prize?
If 1Life Insurance or a third party supplier is unable to contact a winner within 3 attempts or if the winner does not claim the prize within 15 days of notification, the winner will forfeit the prize and 1Life reserves the right to re-draw a new winner under the same conditions.

What is the Last Date of 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition?

Last Date of 1Life Back to School Policyholder Competition is 31st December 2023.

Categories: Contest
Tags: 1life.co.za
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