UJ-(CSIR)Council for Scientific and Industrial Research Scholarship 2017 : University of Johannesburg

Organization : University of Johannesburg
Announcement : 2017 UJ-CSIR Scholarships – Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
Applicable for : SA citizens
Head Office : Auckland Park

Website : https://www.uj.ac.za
Guideline : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/2901-2017-UJ-CSIR.pdf

2017 UJ-CSIR Scholarships :

** The University of Johannesburg (UJ) and the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) have established a joint bursary programme tenable at the UJ.

 Related : Kingsmead Academic Sports & Music Scholarship 2017 : www.southafricain.com/2897.html

** The programme accommodates current or prospective full-time Honours/BTech, Master’s and Doctoral students within the faculties of Science, Engineering and Health Sciences.

Values And Terms For Scholarships :

Level of Study Schloarship Value Period of Support
Honours/Btech R40,000.00 1
Master’s R60,000.00 2*
Doctorate R90,000.00 3*

* Renewal for a subsequent year is subject to progress of the Applicant.

Scholarship Eligibility Criteria :
** Applicants must be SA citizens.
** Scholarships are awarded on the basis that students commence full-time study at Honours/BTech, Master’s or Doctoral level at the UJ in 2017.
** Applicants must ensure that their research area falls within one of the specified disciplines or in closely related disciplines (see Section 3 below).

** The scholarship-holder may not hold full-time salaried employment during the tenure of the scholarship, but he/she will be allowed to undertake a maximum of twelve hours of teaching, tutorials, assistance or demonstration duties per week on average during the year of study, and he/she may be remunerated for his/her services at the normal UJ tariff for services rendered.

** Applicants must have a minimum average of 65% in their previous degree.
** These scholarships may not be held concurrently with bursaries, grants or emoluments which bind the recipient to enter into the service of the contract holder on completion of his/her studies.

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** Students may enter into the programme at any of the following stages of study 1st year of Honours/BTech in 2017 1st or 2nd year of Master’s in 2017 or 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of Doctorate in 2017 provided that the necessary previous qualification has been completed by the commencement of the programme.

** Renewal of scholarships for each academic year is determined by satisfactory progress of the student and availability of funds.

** Scholarship-holders will be expected to spend a limited amount of time at CSIR facilities during the course of their studies in order to promote a good understanding of the CSIR among them.
** All successful students will be required to enter into a signed scholarships agreement with the UJ and CSIR.

** Students whose studies fall within CSIR and also establish collaborative UJ-CSIR projects will be prioritized for the scholarships.

Application Process :
Application forms can be completed online on a word document provided and be submitted together with the requested documents as indicated on the checklist.
1. Applicants must read through the Programme Guide carefully BEFORE submitting an application.
2. All fields in the application form must be completed correctly or your application will be rejected.

3. All applicants must submit the following documents :
** An application form;
** Curriculum Vitae (clearly indicating your study field);
** ID document;
** Full official academic record including all levels of tertiary study prior to your current qualification.

Note :
** Please note that academic records from student portals will NOT be accepted. (Do not submit certificates. Academic records must include marks);

** For Master’s and Doctoral students – a brief (max one page) outline of the project you would like to explore (clearly indicating the research area – as specified in Section 3 that you fit into); AND
** Letters of reference (see table below for specific letters of reference required per level of study)

4. All applications should be emailed together with the required documents to Ms Dudu Mbatha – rdmbatha AT uj.ac.za.

Tags: uj.ac.za
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