City of Cape Town Online Film Location Booking System :

Organisation : City of Cape Town
Facility Name : Online Film Location Booking System
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System?

The City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System is an online system that allows filmmakers to book public locations in Cape Town for filming purposes. The system is designed to be user-friendly and efficient, and to help filmmakers to get the permits they need quickly and easily. To book a film location online, filmmakers must first register for an account with the City of Cape Town.

The booking request form requires filmmakers to provide the following information:
** The location they wish to book
** The date and time of the filming
** The type of filming that will be taking place
** Any special requirements, such as road closures or traffic officers

How To Access City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System?

To Access City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System, Follow the below steps

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Click on the “Register as a User” link to Sign up for your new Account

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Step-3 : Fill the Online registration Form and Submit.
Step-4 : After Successful registration, Login with your Email ID and Password to access City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System.

** Once registered, filmmakers can log in to the system and create a new booking request. Once the booking request has been submitted, it will be reviewed by the City of Cape Town Film Permit Office.
** If the booking is approved, the filmmaker will be issued with a permit. The permit will outline the terms and conditions of the filming, such as the hours of operation and the areas that can be accessed.
** The City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System is a valuable resource for filmmakers who wish to shoot in Cape Town. The system makes it easy and efficient to book locations and to obtain the necessary permits.

Sharing of Personal Information:
** The Protection of Personal Information Act, 4 of 2013 (POPIA) came into effect as from 1 July 2021 and accordingly, the City of Cape Town is compelled to manage the personal information of residents and customers in compliance with the requirements of the Act.
** Any information supplied by the data subject /applicant deemed to be personal information as contained in the Act will be treated as confidential and will only be used within the organisation for further processing in accordance with the purpose for which the information is submitted.
** No information will be transferred to any Third Party without the explicit consent of the data subject/applicant, unless the City is legally obliged to provide such information.

Benefits of City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System

Here are the benefits of using the City of Cape Town Film Location Booking System online:
** It is a convenient and efficient way to book locations and obtain permits.
** It is a one-stop shop for all film location booking needs.
** It is a transparent system, with clear and concise information about the booking process and the terms and conditions of permits.
** It is a reliable system, with a track record of providing filmmakers with the support they need to shoot successfully in Cape Town.


For information about permits, please contact us at film.permit [AT] or +2721 417 4025.

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