SANRAL Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) and Open Road Tolling :

Organisation : South African National Roads Agency SOC Limited (SANRAL)
Facility Name : Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) and Open Road Tolling
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is Tolls?

The South African national road network, managed by SANRAL forms the arteries of the nation that connect major cities, town and developing villages in rural areas of the country. The major benefits of the national road network are economic growth, tourism, social development and the creation of economic opportunities. Toll road operations can be divided into two parts – those managed and funded by SANRAL and the toll roads which are wholly funded by private companies.

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Tolling is important because:
** It enables SANRAL to provide roads sooner than the traditional tax‐based revenues which would traditionally fund these roads.
** Tolling delivers the much needed infrastructure sooner than later.
** Tolling ensures dedicated funding for maintenance of the road.

Types of Tolling

Traditional Toll Collection :
This is where motorists stop along an open road or highway to pay a toll fee at a Toll Plaza at certain locations on route to their destination.

Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) :
This is a system whereby no cash transactions take place along a road or highway. It can take place in various forms. Current ETC methods include the swiping of credit cards at the plaza and the use of an e‐tag system, on the N1/N4 operated by Bakwena, where the vehicle is required to slow down on approach to the toll booms. When the transponder is picked up by the technology mounted on the toll booth the boom will open allowing the vehicle to pass.

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Open Road Tolling :
This is another form of Electronic Toll Collection whereby the motorist is not required to stop at a toll booth or plaza to pay toll fees. Overhead Gantries are positioned along the toll route and technology mounted on these gantries will take photos of the front and rear of the vehicle and read the transponder (e‐tag) in the vehicle – if there is no e‐tag in the vehicle, it is identified using the photos that are taken of the front and rear of the vehicle.

Benefits of Tolling

** Toll roads ensure a high quality road network. In addition to contributing to improved road safety, toll roads generally reduce travelling distances and result in substantial savings on the running costs of your vehicle and much valued travel time.
** The “user‐pay” principle represents a fair and precise way of paying for transportation facilities.
** Tolls link the benefits for the road user with its fees by charging users only in direct relationship to how much of the road they use.

What is Open Road Tolling (ORT)?

Open Road Tolling (ORT) is a method of electronic toll collection along a road or road network. This method of payment allows for the motorist to make use of a road or road network without stopping at a Toll Plaza or Toll barrier points for the manual collection of monies. Motorists can drive along their route without stopping, as all billing is electronic.

ORT allows for free flowing open roads ensuring the smoother flow of traffic – this means free following traffic without any physical lane separation or hindrance. Overhead gantries will be situated approximately every 10km (or between interchanges) along the Gauteng road network.

How Does Open Road Tolling (ORT) & Payment Work?

** SANRAL will request that road users register their vehicles for e‐tolling. Road users will have the option to either be recognised by their number plates, or by an e‐tag.
** e‐Toll account Registration will be user friendly and road users will have the option to register through a website, at an e‐toll kiosk located at a mall, e‐toll customer services centre situated along the freeway network, phoning in to the call centre, or buying an e‐tag at conveniently located outlets.
** The e‐tag is supplied by SANRAL. It will be at no cost to the user. However, if the user elects to obtain an e‐tag, the user will need to deposit a minimum credit (will be specified by SANRAL) into the user’s e‐tolling account.
** However, this credit, will then allow the road user free toll passes in the same amount.
** The e‐tolling account that road users link to their vehicle can be set up as a pre‐paid account with SANRAL and money can be paid into this account via various options (retail outlets, the internet, at an e‐toll kiosk, ATMs, e‐toll customer services centres etc), or road users can link their e‐tolling account to their own credit card account. More than one vehicle can be linked to your e‐tolling account.
** Overhead gantries will be fitted with the toll collection equipment that will recognise the vehicle identifier (electronic transponder (e‐tag) in a vehicle and or the vehicle number plate), toll will be deducted from a user’s registered e‐toll account associated with the vehicle identifier and the user will be able to travel without any disruption.
** A vehicle’s number plates will be photographed from the front and back as part of the verification process, as well as for those that do not have an e‐tag. If the user is not registered the user will be sent a bill with due date of payment.
** SANRAL has procured a Central Clearing House, which consists of a Transaction Clearing House and a Violations Processing Centre.
** The Central Clearing House will facilitate a central account management and clearing system to all South Africans subscribers.
** The Transaction Clearing House will allow a motorist to register an Electronic Tolling account that will be valid for use across the all electronic toll facilities within South Africa.

Benefits of Open Road Tolling (ORT)

** Better Roads = Better Infrastructure = Better Economy
** Reduces the amount of time spent on the road
** Provides free flowing traffic along the route and assists in eliminating congestion
** Over a period of time the motorists saves on car routine maintenance
** Reduces the amount of Carbon emission as there is less time spent on the roads
** Improves motorist safety and security along the route as it is a free flowing collection system along a open road
** SANRAL has implemented a Freeway Management Systems whereby roads are monitored and road user assistance along the tolled road network is improved in emergency situations.
** Safely engineered roads which require less maintenance over greater periods of time

General Tolling Facts

** To the driver/user, tolls are a direct user fee paid for use of a particular facility.
** To SANRAL and its concessionaries, tolls are a dedicated revenue stream to fund ongoing
** operations, maintenance, and improvements.
** The tolls collected are exclusively used to finance the building, upgrading and general maintenance
** of that specific road.
** Tolls help bridge the gap between transportation needs and resources.

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