dalrrd.gov.za Apply For Agribee Fund : Agriculture, Land Reform & Rural Development

Organisation : Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development
Facility Name : Apply For Agribee Fund
Applicable For : Farmers & Farmworkers
Country : South Africa
Website : http://www.dalrrd.gov.za/index.php

What is Agribee Fund?

The AgriBEE Fund (Agriculture Black Economic Empowerment) is a support programme initiated by the national Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. It was conceptualised primarily as an intervention to support previously excluded black farmers to participate in mainstream economic activities with a view of enhancing the transformation agenda in the sector.

The purpose of the AgriBEE Fund is to support small, medium and micro enterprises within the sector who wish to acquire shareholding in existing commercially viable and sustainable enterprises and to advance enterprise development through agro-processing and value adding activities to previously marginalised people who could not participate in the sector value chain.

Minimum Requirements of AgriBEE Fund

** The applicant (i.e. the individuals within the group/entity) must be black (as defined by Codes of Good Practice under section 9 (1) of the Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment Act No 53 of 2003 as amended) and the project 100% black owned;
** The applicant must be South African citizen with valid identity document;
** The applicant must be a legal entity with a certificate for registration/incorporation;
** In line with applicable sector codes, only agricultural / forestry / fisheries enterprises with annual turnover of up to R50 million may be considered;
** The applicant must be directly involved in the commodity or industry where investment is sought and should have been operating for at least the past recent three (3) consecutive years;

Criteria For AgriBEE Fund

** The applicant must be black and the project 100% black owned.
** The applicant must be a legal entity (certificate for Registration/incorporation).
** Business plan with a clear indication of sustainability for a long term.
** Government employees, Land Bank employees and politicians will not be eligible for the grant and/or support from the AgriBEE Fund.
** Constitution and/or founding documents must be provided.
** 10% own contribution is required for proposals up to the value of R5 million while 20% for proposals larger than R5 million.

Conditions For AgriBEE Fund

** In the event that the applicant is a newly formed entity (particularly for worker’s equity schemes and similar cases) or the applicant acquires full ownership of a business as a going concern, the applicant must indicate the management structure of its business which includes the empowerment of designated groups, management skills and qualifications, roles and responsibilities of key personnel and role players as well as succession planning;
** The management of the applicant entity must be skilled in financial and project management before they can start to utilise the funds and authorisation to start utilising the fund should be obtained from the DAFF in writing.
** For equity deals, applicants may only be assisted to acquire at most up to 49% in the initial investment. This is to ensure that the skill is transferred gradually over a period of time and that the business continues to be viable and sustainable, amongst other reasons.
** For value adding or agro-processing infrastructure, the applicant/s must demonstrate the ability to sustain the operations of the marketing/processing facility running at full capacity.
** Successful applicants will be required to enter into a legally binding contract with the department that sets out the rights, roles and responsibilities of each party to the contract.

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The following cannot be considered:
** Purchasing of farms and farming / fishing / forestry infrastructure at primary level (the Fund supports post production activities such as agro processing/value-addition);
** 100% acquisition of a business at initial investment by the applicant(s) (applicants may only be assisted to acquire at most up to 49% in the initial investment);
** Investment in farms under land claim;
** Applicant(s) who are not directly involved in the sector in terms of farming, fishing and forestry activities will be excluded (passive or speculative investors);
** Government employees, Land Bank employees and politicians will not be eligible for the Fund.

How To Apply For Agribee Fund?

To Apply For Agribee Fund, Follow the below steps

Download application form AgriBEE Fund : https://www.southafricain.com/uploads/pdf2023/28723-Form.docx

Applications can be submitted to the nearest Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (GDARD) office or at its Regional offices as follows

Vredehuis Regional Office:
590 Madiba Street, Arcadia, Pretoria
(012) 316 1600

Department of Agriculture and Rural Development Head Office:
56 Eloff Street, Marshalltown, Umnotho House
(011) 240 2500

Bronkhorstpruit Office:
5 Market Street, Bronkhorspruit
(013) 932 9160/61

Randfontein (Gauteng West):
7 Main Reef Road and cnr Maugham Street, Randfontein
(011) 411 4300

Enquiries: ruraldev@gauteng.gov.za​

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