Win a R4000 Vilebrequin Voucher : Men’s Health

Organization : Men’s Health
Competition Name : Win a R4000 Vilebrequin Voucher
Applicable For : Open to residents of South Africa
Competition Deadline : 21 November 2016
Prize/Win : R4000

Website :

Win a R4000 Vilebrequin Voucher

** Vilebrequin – A Lifetime Of Stylish Quality Stylish, sophisticated, functional and flattering, Vilebrequin swim trunks and leisurewear are synonymous with quality and durability.

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** The swim trunks were originally conceived from a chequered tablecloth by French journalist Fred Prysquel in St Tropez during the early 70’s in a moment of creative inspiration, Today, almost half a century on, Vilebrequin has become an iconic global luxury brand sporting a range of beach and resort wear and that is seen the world over, in a variety of carefully thought out prints. They have also quickly found favour with international celebrities such as Jude Law, the British Royalty, Jay Z, George Clooney and his close ally Brad Pitt.

** Vilebrequin stores are located in the V&A Waterfront in Cape Town, Melrose Arch and Nelson Mandela Square in Johannesburg and Thesen Island in Knysna.
** Follow Vilebrequin on Instagram @Vilebrequin_SA or Like them on Facebook.
** Enter your details below to win a R4,000 Vilebrequin voucher!

** Competition closes on 21 November.
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