UKZN UG Admission 2024 Online Application : University of KwaZulu-Natal

Organisation : University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Facility Name : Apply For UG Admission 2024
Applicable For : Undergraduate Programmes
Last Date : 30th September 2023
Website :

How To Apply For UKZN Admission?

Online applications are invited for UKZN UG Admission 2024. Undergraduate Programmes Closing Date is 30th September 2023

Related / Similar Facility : UKZN Undergraduate Admission 2025

Returning Undergraduate Students:
For returning undergraduate students, students with a gap year, all local postgraduate applications and both undergraduate and postgraduate international applicants.

Apply Here :

First Time Undergraduate Applicants:
South African first time undergraduate applicants applying to UKZN must apply via CAO

Apply Here :

Please remember to upload the following documents (where applicable):
** Certified copy of your ID/passport.
** Certified copy of your National Senior/Matric Certificate or O/A Levels or relevant school leaving qualification/certificate.
** Proof from Universities South Africa (previously known as HESA), that you qualify for admission to degree studies at South Africa universities, if you are an international applicant. For more information, refer to the undergraduate prospectus
** Certified copies of your degree certificate(s), academic record and certificate of conduct, if you attended other universities.
** Proof of English proficiency for International applicants from non-English speaking countries.
** South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) evaluations if the previous qualification(s) was/were obtained at foreign universities (outside South Africa).
** A research proposal/proposed title of the dissertation/thesis if you are applying for a Masters Degree or PhD.
** A valid study visa to study in SA if you are an International applicant.
** Before applying online please make sure that you have read the guidelines above.
** Please ensure that you have the USAF/SAQA documents to be uploaded in order to complete your application.
** Please ensure to use reference APPN (followed by your student number) when making application fee payment.
** Please allow the system 24 hrs to 48 hrs to clear your payment.
** South African first time undergraduate applicants applying to UKZN must apply via CAO at

Minimum Requirements To Qualify For UKZN Degree Study

(1) Must obtain at least 40% for Home Language
(2) Must obtain at least 50% for FOUR other subjects excluding Life Orientation
(3) Must obtain at least 30% for ONE other subject
(4) Must obtain at least 30% in Language of Learning and Teaching (LOLT) of the Higher Education Institution where you intend studying
(5) Must pass at least 6 out of 7 subjects

Where you see NSC Degree as an entry requirement in the Programme Choice List, this means that you must meet the above requirements. If the institution has additional requirements, it will be indicated

UKZN Undergraduate Selection Procedure

Early Selection:
Applicants with outstanding Grade 11, Grade 12 June, trial or mock results may be selected on submission of certified copies of their results. Selections will be final provided selected applicants obtain a National Senior Certificate (with degree option) (NSC-Deg) and meet Faculty entrance requirements in their final examination.

Other applications will be considered after the release of the National Senior Certificate results. Applicants already in possession of a Senior Certificate may be offered early places on receipt of their applications and certified copies of their documentation.

Selection On Admission Point Score (APS):
Selection commences when final results are released and continues until all available places are allocated. Students are admitted on the basis of academic merit, which is assessed by converting NSC or Senior Certificate symbols into a point score. Scores of applicants are calculated and ranked in descending order for their choice of programme.

Selection takes place from the top down, until the number of applicants who may be accepted for that programme is reached. The minimum point scores for applications to KZN qualifications have been provided in the qualification entrance requirement tabulations.

Applicants below those point scores are normally not selected and should not make application to UKZN. Please calculate your point score, using Grade 11, mid-year Grade 12 or Trial results. Meeting the minimum score does, however, not guarantee a place as the University receives more applications than it can accommodate.

The University will receive the NSC results from the Central Applications Office. In addition to SMS’s from the CAO, applicants who are offered places at UKZN will receive letters from the University advising them of their offers. Applicants will be required to complete Acceptance of Offer forms and pay an Acceptance of Offer fee of R500 directly to UKZN to secure their places

Selection Process for New Entrants to UKZN in 2024:
The following overarching selection criteria and processes apply to all new entrants who are embarking on study at a tertiary institution for the first time in 20. Specific programmes may have additional criteria or different quotas and these will be clearly indicated on the relevant College website.

1. A minimum of 15% of new entrants to each programme will be selected from students who have completed their schooling at Quantile 1 or 2 schools and meet all the minimum entry requirements for the programme. Specific programmes may provide for increased quotas.

2. Within quotas, selection will be done on academic merit. The academic ranking for programmes other than Medicine is based on the Academic Performance Score (APS) obtained in the South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) examinations as described below. Applicants for MBChB will be ranked based on their average % score.

3. The APS is calculated by adding the performance levels (1-8) for the six subjects taken for the NSC excluding Life Orientation (LO). If more than seven subjects are taken the APS is calculated by adding the performance level for:
** English (HL or FAL), plus
** Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy, plus
** the best ratings of the other subjects (excluding Life Orientation and Maths paper 3) so that a total of six subjects are included.

4. Programmes that do not have a sufficient number of suitably qualified applicants from Quintiles 1 or 2 seven days prior to the commencement of on-campus registration for the programme may fill any remaining places with applicants from Quintile 3, then 4, then 5.

5. Certain programmes may impose additional criteria (for example, a portfolio of work, audition or interview) in order to determine eligibility for the programme.

6. For students who have obtained a school leaving certificate other than the NSC, USAf criteria and guidelines for equivalent performance levels will be used where available to estimate the academic rank.

7. There will be no ‘Dean’s Discretion’ for students entering directly from NSC and selection will be done according to the agreed criteria by the College Admissions processes. However some measure of discretion, to be exercised by the College Dean of Teaching & Learning, is required in the case of qualifying applicants from other countries or examination systems, immigrant applicants or applicants with disabilities.

What is the Last Date of UKZN Admission?

Last Date of UKZN Admission is 30th September 2023.

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