Bursaries for Postgraduate Study : African Institute for Mathematical Sciences

Organisation : African Institute for Mathematical Sciences – AIMS
Announcement : Bursaries for Postgraduate Study
Applicable for : South African students
Head Office: Muizenberg

Website :
Application Form :

Bursaries for Postgraduate Study :

Master’s and Doctoral Study in the AIMS South Africa Research Centre :
** The AIMS South Africa Research Centre offers Doctoral and Masters bursaries for research study in the Centre (details on the research areas supported at the Research Centre may be found at Research).

Related : AIMS Teaching Assistants :

** South African students and students from disadvantaged backgrounds are especially welcome.
** AIMS South Africa is able to offer funding for bursaries as well as accommodation and meals, supervision and co-supervision of students.

** Interested students should submit the completed application form, a short proposal of their intended study (not more than two pages) as well as their academic record and a brief CV to the Administrative Officer at research-admin AT
** Academics who wish to make enquiries about co-supervision of their students in multidisciplinary areas are encouraged to contact the Director of AIMS South Africa.

Half bursaries towards Master’s at South African universities :
** AIMS South Africa offers a matching half bursary of R43 000 to its recent alumni who wish to study towards a Master’s by research degree at a South African University.

Bursaries are only awarded under the following conditions :
** That the university will pay a matching amount from its own funds or from research funds of the supervisor towards the bursary.
** That AIMS South Africa approves the study programme and topic.

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** That the student will not do more than 10 hours of tutoring services per week to generate additional income.
** That the university will waive the difference between fees for foreign students and local students in addition to the bursary offered.

** That studies are commence by February of the year following completion of the AIMS programme.
** The bursary will be paid in two parts – the first on registration and the second, 9 months later, on receipt of a satisfactory progress report.

Prospective applicants are required to complete the application form and to submit this to info AT with the following documentation :
** A letter from the proposed supervisor or department, confirming acceptance on to the programme, and the awarding of a matching half bursary; the amount of the bursary must be specified
** A short proposal of the intended research topic
** A brief CV of the supervisor, if the supervisor has has not previously supervised AIMS students, or is not known to AIMS

Half bursaries towards PhD studies at South African universities :
** AIMS South Africa has made available a limited number matching half bursaries (maximum R90 000) for recent AIMS graduates who wish to study towards a PhD Degree at a South African University.

Bursaries are only awarded under the following conditions :
** That the university will pay a matching amount from its own funds or from research funds of the supervisor towards the bursary
** That AIMS South Africa approves the study programme and topic
** That the PhD programme is commenced within 8 months of completing the AIMS programme.
** The bursary will be paid in three parts R40 000 in the first year, R 25 000 in the second year and R25 000 in the third year.

Prospective applicants are required to complete the application form and to submit this to info AT with the following documentation :
** A letter from the proposed supervisor or department, confirming acceptance on to the programme, and the awarding of a matching half bursary; the amount of the bursary must be specified
** A proposal of the intended research topic
** A brief CV of the supervisor, if the supervisor has has not previously supervised AIMS students, or is not known to AIMS

Contact Address :
Administrative Officer,
African Institute for Mathematical Sciences,
6–8 Melrose Road,
Muizenberg 7945,
South Africa

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