MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition 2023

Organisation : Intervet South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Competition Name : MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition 2023
Applicable For : All Absolute Pets Pet Parents
Last Date : 12th April 2023
Website :

What is MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition?

MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition is conducted by Intervet South Africa (Pty) Ltd. The Competition is open to all Absolute Pets Pet Parents. Entrants will be required to purchase any Bravecto® product to participate in this Competition. Participate and win Cash Cards (or) Bravecto® for one year for ONE Dog or Cat only. The Competition will close on 12 April 2023.

Related / Similar Competition : Big Blue Store Easter Competition 2023

Eligibility of MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition

** The MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition is open to all Absolute Pets Pet Parents, if the customer is not a Pet Parent member they can sign up in and be eligible at time of purchase.

** Entrants must be 18 years or older, be a citizen or permanent resident of the Republic of South Africa and be in possession of the relevant identification documents verifying such status.

How To Participate in the Bravecto Easter Sale Competition?

** Entrants will be required to purchase any Bravecto® product between 23 March 2023 and 12 April 2023 at a participating Absolute Pets store.
** Entry into the MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition will be automatic on the Absolute Pets Pet Parent system.
** Pet Parents entering the competition will get a code that gets added to their sale / transaction which will appear on their till slip – this acts as proof of entry and the mechanism to pull entries when the competition is over. Absolute Pets will pull a report with all transactions that have the code.
** Only entries that have completed the relevant provisions set out in 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 will qualify
** Absolute Pets will be responsible for the random draw of a winner from qualifying entries.
** Absolute Pets will contact the winner/s and share prize handover photos with MSD Animal Health.
** Absolute pets may post photos of the winners and their prizes.
** Entry into the Competition is free granted that the relevant actions above have been taken.
** This competition is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

Prizes of MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition

For each of the Bravecto® prizes: The draw will be conducted separately as follows:

Ten (10) Cash Cards to the value of R2 000 each split as follows:
** Three (3) cash cards to the value of R2 000 – Western Cape
** Two (2) cash cards to the value of R2 000 – KwaZulu Natal/ Eastern Cape
** Four (4) cash cards to the value of R2 000 – Gauteng/ North West/Mpumalanga/Limpopo
** One (1) cash cards to the value of R2 000 – Online

Four (4) Bravecto® product for a year for 1 pet split as follows:
** Bravecto® for one year for ONE dog OR Cat only – Western Cape
** Bravecto® for one year for ONE dog OR Cat only – KwaZulu Natal/ Eastern Cape
** Bravecto® for one year for ONE dog OR Cat only – Gauteng/ North West/Mpumalanga/Limpopo
** Bravecto® for one year for ONE dog OR Cat only – Online

Winners Selection:
** Overall Winners will be selected by a random draw conducted by Absolute Pets.
** The Winners will be required to confirm eligibility plus acceptance of the Prize within 48 (forty-eight) hours of initial contact.
** In the event that a Winner does not respond to communications within the 48 (forty-eight) hours of initial contact, the Winner will forfeit the Prize and MSD Animal Health reserves the right at its sole discretion to award the Prize to another Entrant.

Competition Terms and Conditions

** MSD Animal Health may refuse at its discretion to award a Prize to a particular Winner, if in its opinion any entry conditions have not been adhered to, or if it detects any irregularities or fraudulent activities, relating to the entry/s of a said Winner.

** MSD Animal Health reserves the right to request the Prize winners to participate in public events in relation to the Competition. In particular, MSD Animal Health may wish to publish the winners name and photograph/s on the Bravecto® South Africa Facebook page and/or on their website or another social media page or webpage.

** All Entrants and the Winners, as the case may be, indemnify MSD Animal Health, its parent company, affiliates, directors, officers, suppliers and/or associated companies against any and all claims of any nature whatsoever arising out of and/or from their participation in any way howsoever in the Competition (including, as a result of negligence, misrepresentation, misconduct or otherwise on the part of MSD Animal Health).

** MSD Animal Health accepts no responsibility of whatsoever nature for any injury, loss, expense or damage suffered or incurred by any Entrant or the Winner as a result of participating in the Competition or as a result of accepting and use of the Prize.

** The Winners will not be eligible to win another MSD Animal Health competition for a period of 3 (three) months after winning the Prize.

What is the Last Date of Bravecto Easter Sale Competition?

MSD Animal Health Bravecto Easter Sale Competition will commence on 23 March 2023 at 09h00 and close on 12 April 2023 at 00h00

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