The Russian Government Scholarship 2023/24 :

Organisation : Russian Government
Scholarship Name : The Russian Government Scholarship 2023/24
Applicable For : South Africans to study at Russian institutions
Country : South Africa
Last Date : 6th April 2023
Website :

What is Russian Government Scholarship?

The Russian Government offers annual scholarships for South Africans to study at Russian institutions. The scholarship is offered for Bachelor’s, Masters and PhD degrees. Most programmes are taught in the Russian language.

Scholarship recipients are required to undertake a preparatory course related to their field of study (including language training) for one year before pursuing their degree studies. Only after passing the examinations of the college preparatory course can they start their degree studies.

The Department of Higher Education and Training is responsible for nominations for this scholarship, however the placement of candidates at institutions is done by the Russian Ministry of Science and Education.

Who Can Apply For Russian Government Scholarship?

** South African citizens in good health (medical test are required for successful applicants);
** Have a strong academic record
** Bachelor’s applicants should have a minimum 60% average in their National Senior Certificate (excluding LO)
** Postgraduate applicants should have a minimum average of 60% in their previous studies;
** Be available to study in Russia from September 2023;
** Demonstrated interest in Russia and commitment to the development of South Africa;
** Applications in all fields of study except Medicine will be considered;
** Preference will be given to postgraduate applicants and previously disadvantaged applicants; and
** Applicants must meet the minimum academic requirements for entry into a similar programme at a South African university.

Degree level : Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD

Language of Instruction:
MOST programmes are taught through the Russian language medium and a preparatory course related to the field of study is included in the scholarship. Only after passing the examinations of the college preparatory course can they start their degree studies.

Some Russian higher education institutions may conduct programmes in English, but placement in an English-taught programme is not guaranteed.

Institutions and Programmes:
** Applicants are required to do their own research into available programmes, institutions and programme-specific entrance criteria. Details on the program can be found on
** Applicants are also encouraged to apply directly to their university of choice in Russia. PhD applicants are encouraged to make contact with potential supervisors.
** Studies must be completed within the duration of the scholarship.

Conditions of Russian Government Scholarship

The Russian Government provides the following:
** Registration and tuition fees
** Accommodation subsidy (shared accommodation only)
** Limited monthly stipend (depending on academic performance)

The Department will cover the following:
** Return flight tickets to your host country
** Passport and visa costs
** A once-off settlement allowance
** A monthly stipend
** A mid-term flight for qualifying applicants
** SAQA verification of qualification

How To Apply For Russian Government Scholarship?

Candidates are expected to complete two application forms:
** The DHET application form, to be emailed with all supporting documents to by 6 APRIL 2023.
** The Russian Government application, to be completed online by 6 APRIL 2023.
** Only applicants who complete both applications can be considered for the DHET nomination process and scholarship support.
** Applicants must indicate one academic programme and three preferred Russian institutions, based on the list provided at

Apply Here :

Supporting Documents Checklist

Applications for Bachelor’s programmes Applications for Master’s programmes Applications for PhD’s programmes  
1.      Copy of South African National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a Bachelor’s pass OR a certificate of equivalence (from the Matriculation Board) if a school leaving certificate other than the NSC was obtained.


A minimum of 60% average is required, excluding Life Orientation.


Marks of pre-requisite subjects for chosen field of study (eg for Engineering applicants, NSC Maths and Physics marks OR for social sciences, NSC English marks) will be reviewed separately


1.      Copy of degree certificate(s), which must be a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree with Honours, or a full qualification equivalent to South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 8.


A minimum of 60% average is required.

1.      Copy of degree certificates, which must include a Master’s degree, or full qualification equivalent to South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF) Level 9.


A minimum of 60% average is required for the Master’s degree.

2.      Official transcripts of all previous university studies. 2.      Transcripts of all previous university studies.


3.      A maximum 1 page letter of motivation for the scholarship AND personal reasons for choosing the field of study. 3.      A maximum 1 page letter of motivation for the scholarship AND personal reasons for choosing the field of study.  
4.      Research proposal issuing following headings:



Related Post



Relevance of study

(plus any other scholarship requirements)


4.      Research proposal issuing following headings:





Relevance of study

(plus any other scholarship requirements)


2.      A maximum 1 page letter of motivation for the scholarship AND their choice of field of study.
3.      Two reference letters, signed and on an official letterhead, with a contact number and email address.


At least one reference must be from a school teacher. The second letter can be from either a teacher or work supervisor.


The letters must attest to the following: reliability, integrity, academic excellence and suitability for an international scholarship.


5.      Two reference letters, signed and on an official letterhead, with a contact number and email address.


At least one reference must be from a lecturer or professor. The second letter can be from either a lecturer or work supervisor.


The letters must attest to the following: reliability, integrity, academic excellence and suitability for an international scholarship.

5.      Two reference letters, signed and on an official letterhead, with a contact number and email address.


At least one reference must be from a lecturer or professor. The second letter can be from either a lecturer or work supervisor.


The letters must attest to the following: reliability, integrity, academic excellence and suitability for an international scholarship.

What is the Last Date of Russian Government Scholarship?

Last Date of Russian Government Scholarship is 6th April 2023


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