Drakenstein Municipality : Submit Building Plans & Land Use Applications Online

Organisation : Drakenstein Municipality
Facility Name : Submit Building Plans & Land Use Applications Online
Applicable Municipality : Drakenstein
Website : http://ww1.drakenstein.gov.za/sites/dw/SitePages/Submit-Building-Plans-and-Land-Use-Applications-Online.aspx

How To Submit Building Plans in Drakenstein Municipality?

The Building Control Unit is responsible for the circulation and approval of building plans, in terms of the National Building Regulations and Standards Act (Act 103 of 1977), for any building work to be executed on a site, i.e. the construction of new dwellings and other buildings, extensions and alterations to dwellings and other buildings, the erection of boundary walls and advertising signs, as well as the construction of swimming pools.

Related / Similar Facility : Drakenstein Municipality Bill Payment

Submit Here : https://westerncapecollab.collaboratoronline.com/SignIn.aspx??wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=https://WesternCape.collaboratoronline.com/_trust/&wctx=https://westerncape.collaboratoronline.com/_layouts/15/Authenticate.aspx?Source%3d%252F

How To Submit Land Use Applications in Drakenstein Municipality?

The purpose of land use planning is to cater for development to take place in an orderly manner, in order to enhance the living quality of the residents, but also to cater for economic progress from a business and industrial perspective.

This division is responsible for the processing of land use planning/development applications such as rezonings, consent uses, land use departures, house shops and farm subdivisions. All submitted building plans are furthermore scrutinised by this division in order to ensure compliance with the land parameters applicable to the zoning of the property. This division also deals with illegal land uses.

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Submit Here : https://westerncapecollab.collaboratoronline.com/SignIn.aspx??wa=wsignin1.0&wtrealm=https://WesternCape.collaboratoronline.com/_trust/&wctx=https://westerncape.collaboratoronline.com/_layouts/15/Authenticate.aspx?Source%3d%252F


Contact details for enquiries: Tel: 021 807 4849 | email: Joan.Arendse@drakenstein.gov.za
Zoning enquiries: Cole Petersen Tel: 021 807 4827 | email: Cole.Petersen@drakenstein.gov.za​​​
Land use planning application enquiries: Joan Arendse Tel: 021 807 4849 | e-mail: Joan.Arendse@drakenstein.gov.za

About Building Control:
The Drakenstein Municipality strives to uphold an eco-friendly environment and we strive to maintain that standard. From 2017 onwards, the building control section went paperless by introducing a new Collaborator online system.

Building Control is responsible for processing all online applications by calculating scrutiny fees and also distributing applications to the various departments after submission. The section is also responsible for all building inspections and also issue occupancy certificates to declare such structure fit for use when completed.

The building control section is the correspondence link between the various departments and the public regarding all building plan submissions or enquiries to ensure a proper clientele base and extend the value of excellent service delivery. The public is welcome to visit the building control help desk during business hours should they require copies of building plans, NBR information, progress of applications, etc.

About Land Use Planning and Surveying:
The Land Use Planning and Surveying Section ensures the orderly and sustainable development and management of the built environment within the Drakenstein Municipal area, through creating an enabling environment in order to give effect to the municipality’s vision of creating “A city of excellence”.

Land-use planning and surveying refers to a wide range of activities that direct the future use of land and manage the current use thereof, in order to ensure the optimal use of land within a political, social, cultural, environmental and economic context.

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