: How to join Government Employees Medical Scheme

Name of the Organization : GEMS
Type of Facility : How to join Government Employees Medical Scheme
Head Office : Cape Town
Website :

How To Join GEMS Scheme?

How to Join :
** Get a application form

Related : Government Employees Medical Scheme Communication Specialist :

You can get an application for membership form by :
** Downloading the membership application form
** Contacting the GEMS Call Centre on 0860 00 4367 and following the voice prompts

** Attending a GEMS marketing presentation at your department
** Talking to your HR Practitioner
** SMS “please call me” to 083 450 4367 and an agent will call you at a convenient time
** Visiting a GEMS Walk-in Centre

** You can also get an membership application form by contacting the Call Centre on 0860 00 4367, from your nearest GEMS Walk-in Centre, or from your HR department
** Complete the form, ensuring that you have completed all the sections in full and that you have provided the requested supplementary documents.

Application Form :

Contact Address

Send the completed form and documents by :
** Fax to 0861 00 4367;
** Post to GEMS, Private Bag X782, Cape Town, 8000;
** Email to join AT; or
** Drop it off directly at a GEMS Walk-in Centre.

Complete the Membership Application Form :
** Make sure that you complete all the sections in full and include all necessary documents as specified on the form.
** If we do not receive all the necessary documentation, we are unable to register you as a member of GEMS and you will not be able to access our excellent healthcare benefits.

Supporting documents that must be submitted :
** Signed application form
** Payslip
** Identification document (ID)
** Membership Certificate from previous medical scheme
** An Affidavit where required.

Submit the Membership Application Form :
Send us the completed form and supporting documents in any of the following ways :
Email: enquiries AT
Fax: 0861 00 4367
Post: GEMS, Private Bag X782, Cape Town, 8000
Hand delivery: At any of the GEMS Walk-in Centres.

To register a dependant we need

** A fully-completed addition of dependant form.
** Copies of IDs, birth certificates of the dependants and marriage certificates of the spouse if your surnames are different.
** All pages of the application form must be initialled and signed.
** An Affidavit is available, at a GEMS Walk-in Centre or you can ask for them by calling us on 0860 00 4367.
** Additional requirements and documents needed to register a dependant

Husband or wife :
** For a customary marriage, we need an affidavit from the main member confirming the obligation towards the husband or wife.
** We need a copy of the marriage certificate if married and the surname of the husband or wife is different from the main
** member’s surname.

Related Post

Ex-husband or ex-wife :
** We need a copy of the court order to provide medical support as required by the divorce settlement.

Partner :
** We need an affidavit completed by the main member, partner confirming that the dependant is the main member’s life partner.

Children (biological, adopted, step or foster) under the age of 21 :
** If the child’s surname is different to that of the main member, the main member must complete an affidavit stating the reason for the difference and confirming the obligation towards the child.

Children (biological, adopted, step or foster) over the age of 21 :
If the child is a student and not yet 28 years old, we need :
** ** Proof of registration at a recognised tertiary institutio
** ** Affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency.

If the child is totally dependent due to mental or physical disability, we need :
** ** Proof of disability from a medical practitioner (medical assessment report to be signed and stamped by a medical practitioner)
** ** An affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency.

If the child is neither a student nor disabled, we need:
** An affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency.
** Very important to note: In this instance, you will pay adult rates for this dependant.

Parents, parents-in-law, grandparents and grandparents-in-law :
** We need an affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency of the dependants.

Grandchildren and great-grandchildren :
** We need an affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency of the dependants.
** We need an affidavit to be completed by the main member and biological parent, where applicable, confirming factual dependency of the grandchild on the main member.
** If the parent of the child is also registered as a dependant, an affidavit is only needed from the main member for the grandchild or great grandchild.

Siblings (brothers or sisters), half-siblings, step-siblings and siblings in-law :
** We need an affidavit (to be completed by the main member) confirming factual dependency of the sibling on the main member.

Nephews and nieces (including in-laws) :
** We need an affidavit confirming factual dependency of nephews and nieces on the main member. The affidavit must be completed by the member and the sibling (aunt/uncle, the parent of the nephew/ niece) where applicable.
** If the parent of the child is also registered as a dependant, an affidavit is only needed from the main member for the niece or nephew.

Special dependants (where the member is liable for family care and support) :
** Completed dependant section on the application form.
** We need a sworn affidavit from the main member confirming factual dependency of the special dependant.

Features of GEMS

The Government Employees Medical Scheme (GEMS) is a medical aid scheme in South Africa that is exclusively available to government employees and their dependents.

Here are some key features of GEMS:
GEMS is open to employees of the South African government, as well as their dependents, including spouses and children.

GEMS offers a range of benefits, including in-hospital treatment, chronic medication, and day-to-day medical expenses. The scheme also provides cover for a range of specialized medical services, such as oncology and dialysis.

Contribution Rates:
The contribution rates for GEMS are based on the salary of the member, with different rates for different income bands. The rates are subsidized by the government, which means that members pay a lower rate than they would for a comparable private medical aid scheme.

Categories: Scheme

View Comments (3)

  • good day

    My daughter is turning 21st next year July and she under my name and she is at university. what must i do to remain as member

  • I need to know for which chronic conditions I am registered

  • Please send me a factual dependency form. © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map