BASA PESP3 Grant Application 2023 : Business & Arts South Africa

Organisation : Business & Arts South Africa (BASA)
Grant Name : PESP3 Grant Application 2023
Applicable For : Registered Small & Micro Businesses
Country : South Africa
Last Date : November 25, 2022
Website :

What is BASA PESP3 Grant?

Business and Arts South Africa NPC (BASA), invites registered small and micro businesses in the cultural and creative industries to submit their requests for the Presidential Employment Stimulus Programme (PESP3) grant funding. PESP3, an initiative of the Presidency and the Department of Sport, Arts and Culture (DSAC), aims to open doors in the creative and cultural sectors with an emphasis on shared value.

Who Can Apply For BASA PESP3 Grant?

This BASA PESP3 Grant funding is specifically for registered small and micro businesses in the cultural and creative industries. A registered business is one that is a legal entity (such as a private company, Pty Ltd or proprietary limited company) and must be a business registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). This round is unfortunately not for individuals.

Application Criteria:
1. Projects delivered by registered South African small and micro enterprises (SMEs i.e. with up to 200 full-time employees and an annual turnover of no more than R10 million) within the cultural and creative industries.
2. Only projects that have a well-thought-out plan with clear goals, specific metrics, and measurable impact will be considered.
3. Projects which create jobs and have a clear focus on targeted groups (women, youth and people living with disabilities) will be given priority consideration.
4. Initiatives which promote human capital development (education, training, technology, innovation, skills, wellness) will also be considered

How To Apply For BASA PESP3 Grant?

To apply for a BASA PESP3 grant applicants should submit a formal Expression of Interest letter to by Friday, November 25, 2022, at 17:00, or earlier. These must include the requested grant amount as well as a high-level summary of the project. Then, those who are qualified will be asked to complete an online application.

BASA’s role in the implementation of PESP3 is to ensure that the positions created give participants the relevant work experience that will help them on their paths into the larger labor market.

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Application Process:
1. Phase 1off applications requires applicants to submit an expression of interest letter to BASA, which must contain a high-level overview of the project, as well as the requested grant amount.

The expression of interest letter should include the following:
** An introduction to yourself and the company;
** The amount of staff employed;
** A brief overview of a clear strategy on how the funds will be utilised;
** The total budget value; and
** An attached budget breakdown.

2. The BASA grants team will review every expression of interest letter received, and create a shortlist of eligible applications.

3. Shortlisted applications will progress to Phase 2, and be invited to submit a full online application for THE BASA PRESIDENTIAL EMPLOYMENT STIMULUS PROGRAMME (PESP)

Compliance Requirements

1. One of the applicant’s office bearers must provide a certified copy of their South African identity card (not older than three months).
2. For the SME, an original legal tax clearance certificate is required.
3. Most recent original stamped bank statement (within the past 3 months) OR a stamped bank account confirmation letter (not older than 3 months).
4. A certified copy of the SMEs certificate of registration.
5. SME’s Company Profile, including website and social media links.
6. Photographs, brochures, films, or any published/printed items to prove previous work in the creative sector within the last three calendar years.
7. A reference letter from an arts organisation, client, well-known artist, or community leader verifying that the applicant is active in the creative sector.

What is the Last Date of BASA PESP3 Grant Application?

Last Date of BASA PESP3 Grant Application is November 25, 2022

Categories: Scheme

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  • George OLIPHANT says:

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