Mukuru Christmas Competition 2022

Organisation : Mukuru Money Transfer Limited
Competition Name : Mukuru Christmas Competition 2022
Applicable For : Mukuru Customer
Country : South Africa
Last Date : 31st December 2022
Website :

What is Mukuru Christmas Competition?

The Mukuru Christmas Competition is being run by Mukuru Money Transfer Limited from 21 November 2022 – 31 December 2022. In order to qualify for entry into the Competition, you be a registered Mukuru Customer. Participate and win 2 x stadium entry tickets to watch Crystal Palace versus Liverpool or Man City in the UK on 25 February 2023 or 11 March 2023.

Who Can Participate In The Mukuru Christmas Competition?

In order to qualify for entry into the Competition:
** You be a registered Mukuru Customer (as defined by Mukuru);
** You must have a valid passport and should be able to travel between February or March 2023;
** You must abide by all the Competition Ts and Cs.

How To Enter In The Mukuru Christmas Competition?

Using Mukuru, you must send (via a Mukuru booth or branch) a minimum amount of MK40,000 (Forty thousand Malawi Kwacha) to a recipient of your choice who resides inside Malawi, during the Mukuru Christmas Competition Period

Prizes of Mukuru Christmas Competition

All Qualifying Participants from South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Zambia and Malawi (who sent the minimum amount during that week) will be entered into a weekly random draw and a grand total of 15 (fifteen) random Qualifying Participants stand a chance to win the Prize during the Competition Period.

The Prize consists of the following:
** 2 x stadium entry tickets to watch Crystal Palace versus Liverpool or Man City in the UK on 25 February 2023 or 11 March 2023 (the random draw will determine for which of the two games you win tickets);
** Return flight tickets (economy class on a carrier of Mukuru’s choice) to the UK between February 2023 and March 2023 (depending on the game for which you win tickets) for the winner and the chosen partner. It will be up to Mukuru to decide on which dates you need to fly and flights cannot be changed once booked;
** Accommodation (of Mukuru’s choice) (depending on flight dates) in the UK for the winner and partner;
** A total of GBP200 (Two hundred Pounds) spending money during the trip;

All expenses not expressly listed in clause 3.2 above. The winner and the chosen partner will be solely responsible for all such expenses.

Two winners will be drawn weekly (three winners to be drawn weekly for the last three weeks). Winners will be announced on Facebook weekly and also contacted via telephone. If a winner cannot be contacted within three weeks or cannot travel during February 2023 or March 2023 (depending on what tickets were won), the winner will forfeit the Prize. Should the winner be able to travel but the winner’s visa is subsequently declined upon application, the winner will forfeit the Prize but will receive a consolation prize to the value of R10,000 (local currency equivalent).

Prizes are allocated as follows:
** Total of 2 x winners to be selected on 28 November 2022 out of Lesotho and Malawi
** Total of 2 x winners to be selected on 5 December 2022 out of Zimbabwe and South Africa
** Total of 2 x winners to be selected on 12 December 2022 out of Botswana and Zambia
** Total of 3 x winners to be selected on 19 December 2022 out of Lesotho, Zimbabwe and South Africa
** Total of 3 x winners to be selected on 26 December 2022 out of Malawi, Zambia and Botswana
** Total of 3 x winners to be selected on 2 January 2023 out of South Africa, Zimbabwe and Malawi

General Terms

** Mukuru employees will not be allowed to enter the Competition.
** Qualifying Participants must be 18 years or older.
** A Qualifying Participant can only win once during the Competition Period.
** If the winner is not fully vaccinated, Mukuru cannot guarantee that the winner will be able to make use of the Prize in full or in part and Mukuru disclaims all liability in this regard.
** The winner and the chosen partner needs to hold a valid passport.
** Mukuru cannot guarantee that the winner or the partner will be able to enter into the UK, the accommodation provided or into the stadium and disclaims all liability in this regard.
** Flight and accommodation details cannot be amended.
** The Prize cannot be exchanged for cash or another reward.

What is the Last Date of Mukuru Christmas Competition?

Last Date of Mukuru Christmas Competition is 31st December 2022


If you have any questions about the T’s & Cs or the Competition itself, please contact us at marketing [AT] (weekdays during office hours 08h00 – 17h00).

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