Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme Claim Process

Name of the Organization : Medshield
Type of Facility : Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme Claim Process
Head Office : Johannesburg

Website :

Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme Claim Process

How To Submit A Claim :
** It’s easy; we’ve made sure of that! Whether you’re more comfortable with the ‘old school’ mailing of your claims or by using electronic means – we’re happy to receive both. Just make sure the following information is included on your account.

Related / Similar Facility : Bestmed Medical Scheme Claim Process

Note :
** Please do this carefully to ensure that missing information doesn’t slow down your claims processing.
** Your membership number as it appears on your membership card
** The name of the Scheme and your benefit option
** Principal member’s name and surname

** A receipt (if you have already paid the account)
** The patient’s first name and surname
** The name and practice number of the supplier (e.g. doctor or pharmacy)
** ICD-10 Code
** Appropriate Tariff Codes
** Amounts
** Treatment date
** Account number
** You may submit your claim to the address below, fax to +27 10 597 4706 or email to member AT

Contact Address

Mail to:
General Claims submission
Medshield Medical Scheme
PO Box 4346

Drop off at:
Medshield Medical Scheme
288 Kent Avenue
Or any relevant office detailed on the Contact Us page

Hospital Claims submissions can be made at the addresses below, faxed to 086 636 9070 or emailed to Medshieldclaims AT
Mail to:
The Medical Services Organisation
Private Bag X152

Or drop off at :
The Medical Services Organisation
Building 15 Healthcare Park
Woodlands Drive


** It is important to make sure that you include all of the required information (see above) to ensure that your claim is processed quickly and that you receive the full benefit of your claim.
** Missing information could delay processing and lead to a payment being made from the incorrect benefit limit.

FAQ On Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme

Medshield is a medical aid scheme in South Africa that offers a range of medical aid options to individuals and families. Here are some frequently asked questions about Medshield:

What medical aid options does Medshield offer?
Medshield offers a range of medical aid options, including a traditional medical aid plan, a hospital plan, and a network plan. Each option has different levels of cover and benefits to suit different budgets and healthcare needs.

What benefits does Medshield offer?
Medshield offers a range of benefits, including cover for hospitalisation, chronic conditions, day-to-day medical expenses, and emergency medical services. Members can also access a range of wellness benefits, such as health assessments, vaccinations, and lifestyle management programs.

Can I choose my own healthcare provider with Medshield?
Yes, Medshield allows members to choose their own healthcare providers, including doctors, specialists, and hospitals. However, using Medshield’s network providers may result in lower out-of-pocket expenses.

Additional Simplified Procedure

Here are the steps on how to apply for Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme online:
1. Go to the Medshield website:
2. Click on the “Apply Now” button.
3. Select the “Family Medical Aid” option.
4. Enter your personal information, such as your name, ID number, and contact details.
5. Enter your employment information, such as your employer’s name and contact details.
6. Enter your medical history, such as any chronic conditions you have.
7. Upload the required documents, such as a copy of your ID document and proof of employment.
8. Pay the application fee.
9. Submit your application.

The required documents for applying for Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme are:
** A copy of your ID document
** Proof of employment (if applicable)
** Proof of income (if applicable)
** Proof of address
** Medical history (if applicable)

The application fee for Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme is R100. You can pay the application fee online using a credit card or debit card. Once you have submitted your application, you will be notified of the outcome within a few weeks. If your application is approved, you will be issued with a membership card.

Here are some additional information about applying for Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme online:
** You can also apply for Medshield Family Medical Aid Scheme through a broker.
** The application process is usually faster if you apply through a broker.
** You can find a list of Medshield brokers on the Medshield website.

Categories: Scheme

View Comments (1)

  • Karen Jonas says:

    I sent an email to medshieldclaims [at] on my elderly mother's behalf. Her husband recently passed away, so I am helping her with her admin. I recieved a reply saying that my email was blocked. Why is that and how do I reach the claims department? © 2022 Contact Us   Privacy Policy   Site Map