ADT Security Midrand Customer Support

Organisation : ADT
Service Name : Customer Support
Headquarters : Midrand
Industry : Security
Service/ Product : Shopping Centers, Casinos, Government, Health & Education
Website :

ADT Security Customer Support

Need to reach us? Use the contact details below to speak to a qualified Fidelity ADT team member.

Related / Similar Contact : Tracker South Africa Customer Support

Contact Details:
Available 24hrs a day, 7 days a week

Sales and enquiries:

Inland: 086 12 12 400 or 011 697 7000
Coastal: 086 12 12 300

Fidelity SecureDrive contact details:
Secure Drive: 0861 737 483
Email :

Crime Tip-Off, Escalation & Support:
24/7, 365 Support Centre:
Please report: Incidents, emergencies, suspicious persons and vehicles, tip-offs, LPR checks and loading of vehicles of interest.

SMS, Whatsapp and “CallMe”: 083 939 0300
Telephone: 011 766 6061
Email: ,

Fidelity Employees:
Anonymous tip off line: 080 000 2222

ADT Branch Location

Witbank – FSS:
102 Hans Strydom St West, Klipfontein Ext 66, Witbank 1035
087-286-5354 / 072-272-5001

Vryheid – FSS:
129 President Str, Vryheid, 3100
034 983 2133 / 034-983-2768

Sedgefield FADT:
16-17 plumtree building Sedgefield

Worcester – FSS:
Corner of 21 Riebeeck and Church street, Worcester,6850
023 342 7050

Witbank – FADT:
30 Louw Str, Opposite Kia Motors, Witbank, 1035

Witbank – CIT:
102 Hans Strydom St West, Klipfontein Ext 66, Witbank 1035

West Rand – CIT:
299 Sifon Street, Robertsville, Roodepoort, 1724
011 472 1575

Welkom FADT:
2 Rugby Street, Bedelia, Welkom, 9460

Upington – FSS:
12 Morant Str, Upington, 8800
054 331 1821

Tzaneen – FSS:
2 2nd Platina Str, New Industria Site, Tzaneen, 0850
015 590 1773

ADT Services

Medical Assist:
A risk to your health is a risk to your safety, which is why all Fidelity ADT members, including direct family or business staff on the property have access to Medical Assistance during an emergency. As soon as you notify us, a professional paramedic partner will treat, stabilise and transport you to the nearest medical facility. And while we’d hope that you don’t experience any medical emergencies, our services provide two medical emergency call outs per year.

Fidelity will provide customers two free emergency medical call outs per annum, per customer site. Netcare 911 reserves the right to claim the cost back from the customers medical aid should they have. If the customer does not have medical aid, the service will be free subject to the two call outs per annum cap.

Safe Entry Service:
Instead of shrugging off your safety concerns, take the precaution to guard yourself in moments when you feel unsafe by requesting an Armed Response Officer to meet you at your home or business and escort you inside. The officer will also inspect the property to ensure that there are absolutely no threats to your safety.

License Plate Recognition:
License Plate Recognition (LPR) and Smart Analytics camera systems alert our control room of possible crimes without human intervention. These camera systems use artificial intelligence to become familiarised with the environment and can distinguish between normal and abnormal behaviour. When the camera detects abnormal behaviour or a trigger is detected, the camera automatically flags the incident for one of our control room operators to attend to the potential threat.

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