OMT 2023 Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies : Oppenheimer Memorial Trust

Organisation : Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT)
Scholarship Name : Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies 2023
Applicable For : Postgraduate study at International Higher Education Institutions
Country : South Africa
Last Date : 30th September 2022
Website :

What is OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies?

The Oppenheimer Memorial Trust (OMT) awards a limited number of scholarships annually for postgraduate study at International Higher Education Institutions at Master’s, Doctoral and Postdoctoral level. South African citizens or permanent residents may apply for Masters and Doctoral programmes. Foreign nationals may only apply for Postdoctoral programmes. Closing date is 30th September 2022.

Related / Similar Scholarship : OMT 2023 Scholarship For Postgraduate Local Studies

Eligibility & Tenure of OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies

** Students who intend to undertake a second degree at the same level as one they already hold are not eligible for funding.
** Scholarships are limited to one degree or programme of study for the following periods: a maximum of two years for Masters study, a maximum of three years for PhD and two years at Postdoctoral level.
** Exceptions may be made for Masters scholarship holders upgrading to PhD level
** Awards are granted on an annual basis and renewals are contingent on satisfactory progress and performance as stipulated in the award letter and in compliance with the Trust’s reporting requirements

How To Apply For OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies?

1. Applications must be submitted according to the following start dates:
** Start Date: January to March – applications due 30th September of the previous year
** Start Date: April to June – applications due 31st January in the same year
** Start Date: July to October – applications due by the 31st March in the same year

2. OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate Local Studies Applicants must update the Trust on the outcomes of their requests to other potential funders listed in the budget estimates that formed part of their submission to OMT. If other funding applications are successful, this will result in the value of the OMT award to be reduced by the value of the applicable co-funding

3. OMT may consider applications from students who are part way through their studies (e.g. if you are studying a 2 year Master’s programme and have completed your first year, you may apply for funding for your second year of studies) in line with the application dates above. If your academic year has already commenced, your application will not be considered

Information Needed To Complete Your Application

1. Motivation:
A statement (not more than 500 words) that describes:
1. Background, schooling, general interests and personal philosophy
2. Short to medium term plans and priorities
3. Career aspirations

2. Intended study:
An outline of the intended degree, programme of study, choice of institution, period of study detailing:
1. Please clearly indicate the start date and duration of the programme
2. Brief descriptions of the proposed course work, fieldwork, dissertation topic (as applicable), including a synopsis of the “intellectual problem or idea” that merits the inquiry you intend to pursue
3. Relevance and anticipated significance of the study and how the work will extend current knowledge on the topic
4. Compelling reasons for undertaking the programme of study abroad including commentary on the unique or highly specialised character of the programme
5. The perceived benefits to you personally, to the South African academy and to the broader community
6. Supervisor’s name and current designation (where known)
7. Please note, where more than one institution has been applied to, please clearly state this on your document and identify which institution is your preferred first choice. Applicants are required to submit one application in this case

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3. Personal information:
An up-to-date CV (not more than three pages) that includes:
1. A recent professional photograph (3x4cm)
2. The names and designations of three referees
3. Please include a full academic and job history (where applicable) including any merits or awards received
4. Please attach a copy of your South African ID or permanent residence permit (Masters and Doctoral candidates)

4. Budget/s:
Applicants must disclose their personal financial position and submit a budget indicating:
1. Annual estimates of costs for the duration of the period of study including tuition fees, living costs, travel, books and subsistence costs (as applicable)

2. Income from all sources including:
** Savings
** Family contributions
** Loans
** Secured scholarships / bursaries / other awards
** Estimates of income from part-time work or assistantships

3. Please distinguish clearly between funds that have already been secured (upload supporting documentation) and funding applied for but not yet approved or confirmed
4. Candidates are encouraged to be realistic with their costs as budget amendments are not permitted after an award has been granted
5. Direct research or project-related costs and any corresponding funding must be disclosed in a separate schedule but these expenses will not be covered by OMT
6. Where more than one University has been applied to, please provide separate budgets, indicating the preferred first choice (as stipulated in point 2 above)

5. Academic transcripts:
Applicants to send all academic transcripts for all degrees and programmes completed or in progress. If transcripts are outstanding, please send these as they become available.

6. Certified copies of your degree/s:
Applicants to send copies of all degrees / programmes. If certificates are outstanding, please send these as they become available.

7. Formal acceptance / registration:
Please indicate in your application if you are still awaiting formal acceptance into the programme and please inform us when this is received.

8. Letters of recommendation:
Three (3) reference letters to be uploaded directly on the application portal by your referees. Referees must be familiar with the applicant’s current work and study plans and well-placed to attest to the candidate’s academic achievements

What is the Closing Date of OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate Studies?

Closing Date of OMT Scholarship For Postgraduate International Studies is 30th September 2022


If you have any questions, please get in touch with us at localpostgrad [at] or intlpostgrad [at]

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