SAQA Customer Care : South African Qualifications Authority

Organisation : South African Qualifications Authority
Service Name : SAQA Customer Care
Headquarters : Pretoria
Industry : Qualifications Authority
Service/ Product : Register qualifications and part-qualifications on the NQF
Website :

SAQA Customer Care

It is our commitment to our clients that we will do our utmost to help you and provide you with the quality of service you deserve.

SAQA Customer Care Email : ceo [at]
Switchboard Tel: 012 431 5000

SAQA Contact Address

Street Address:
SAQA House
1067 Arcadia Street, Hatfield
SAQA Location Location

Postal Address:
Postnet Suite 248
Private Bag X06
Waterkloof, 0145

How To Reach SAQA Offices?

By Taxi:
Menlyn Taxi Association
** Menlyn Taxi Association at the Cnr of Sisulu str & Johannes Ramokhoase str via Park str to SAQA offices

** From Pretoria CBD to SAQA offices

By Train:
** To Hatfield Station
** Hatfield Station to SAQA Offices

** To Rissik Station
** Rissik Train Station to SAQA offices

By Bus:
** Nana Sita Bus Station(Pretoria CBD) to General M. Soyothula(Hatfield)
** General M. Soyothula(Hatfield) to SAQA offices

Related Post

** Murrayfield Stop(Pretoria CBD) to SAQA offices

Written Directions:
** When travelling on the R21 (Airport Highway): (Recommended route from the Airport)
** From the Airport, take the R21 to Pretoria
** As you enter Pretoria, at Fountain Circle, take the Brooklyn turn-off (M7) into George Storrar
** Drive all the way down on George Storrar, Unisa Building on your left hand side
** Cross Florence Ribeiro Drive, George Storrar now becomes Middel
** Carry on until you reach the Brooklyn traffic circle
** Take 2nd exit left into Jan Shoba Street
** Cross several streets: Some main ones are Justice Mahomed , Lynnwood and Duxbury, carry straight on
** Turn left into Burnett Street and turn right at the second traffic lights on Burnett into Festival Street.
** Drive down Festival Street and turn right into Arcadia Street at the traffic lights
** In the middle of the block, on your right hand side, 1067 Arcadia Street, is SAQA House

When travelling on the N1 – From Polokwane (Pietersburg) or Johannesburg:
** Take the Pretoria City Centre (M2) off-ramp, and travel towards the city
** As you enter the city, cross Gordon (1st traffic lights) and Jan Shoba (2nd traffic lights) Streets
** Turn left at the 3rd traffic lights into Hilda Street
** Cross Francis Baard Street, Arcadia Street, and turn right into Burnett Street at the traffic lights
** Drive down Burnett and at the robots turn right into Festival Street. Drive down Festival Street and turn right into Arcadia Street at the traffic lights
** In the middle of the block, on your right hand side, 1067 Arcadia Street, is SAQA House

When travelling on the N4 from Witbank:
** As you enter the city, cross Gordon (1st traffic lights) and Jan Shoba (2nd traffic lights) Streets
** Turn left at the 3rd traffic lights into Hilda Street
** Cross Francis Baard Street, Arcadia Street, and turn right into Burnett Street at the traffic lights.
** Drive down Burnett and at the robots turn right into Festival Street. Drive down Festival Street and turn right into Arcadia Street at the traffic lights
** In the middle of the block, on your right hand side, 1067 Arcadia Street, is SAQA House

When coming from Pretoria City Centre:
** Take Francis Baard Street out of the city, travelling in the easterly direction
** Cross several traffic lights, the last two ones being Eastwood, and Orient.
** Then turn right into Hill Street and left into Arcadia Street
** Drive down Arcadia Street and cross the traffic lights
** In the middle of the block, on your right hand side, 1067 Arcadia Street, is SAQA House.

Reporting Fraud & Maladministration

To report fraud or unethical behaviour by any member of staff within SAQA, please contact the South African Presidential Hotline on 17737 or alternatively send an email to president [at]

You have the right to:
** Apply for the service we provide to create a single integrated national framework for learning achievements
** Service that promotes social and economic transformation
** Insist on respect and confidentiality – of your privacy and information
** Receive protection when you report any form of abuse, misuse, fraud or misconduct
** Speak up about circumstances you find unusual
** Insist that wrong or unfair practices be corrected
** Be treated with dignity in inadequate conditions
** Have access to fair and unbiased assistance
** Expect friendly and helpful services from the respectful, responsible and competent team
** Ask for a full and fair investigation of every complaint
** Demand proper feedback on the outcome of investigations
** Call on a review of the decision, if you disagree with it
** Expect that administrative slipups will not inconvenience you

We value you. We are committed to making a difference in your Life Long Learning journey

We will help you by:
** Offering you services that meet the required standards
** Identifying ourselves when we speak to you
** Listening carefully to you, and referring you appropriately should we not understand your enquiry
** Providing accurate and consistent information
** Explaining the things you need to know and do
** Types of services we offer
** How, when and where to apply
** Providing you with or referring you in writing to other services you may need
** Providing written feedback about approved or rejected applications
** Proving the reasons for our decisions
** Informing you about procedures to appeal our decisions
** Keeping to the timelines we have set for each type of service we offer

We want to help you. We want to make things easier. To do this, we need your help

Please help us to help you with:
** Providing feedback on our performance – good or bad
** Reporting poor service, fraud or misconduct
** Respecting and cooperating with officials

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