SAQA VeriSearch : Verification of South African Qualifications

Organisation : South African Qualifications Authority
Facility Name : Verification of South African Qualifications
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is SAQA Verifications Service?

The SAQA Verifications Service is available for the verification of qualifications achieved at South African providers as recorded on SAQA’s National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD). The verification of short courses, foreign qualifications and professional designations is not part of the SAQA Verifications Service. To access the SAQA Verifications Service, please complete and return the Verification Agreement to verifications [at]

Related / Similar Facility : Check Status of SAQA Foreign Institutions

How To Login To SAQA VeriSearch?

VeriSearch is the access portal for verification clients that signed a contract with SAQA where they can access their verification results in a secure and confidential environment. To Login To SAQA VeriSearch, Follow the below steps

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter the email address
Step-3 : Enter the Password
Step-4 : Click on Login button

FAQ On SAQA Verification of South African Qualifications

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On SAQA Verification of South African Qualifications

How do I communicate with SAQA for verification services?
​​​​​​All communication for verification services should be done electronically:
** Clients that have a legal contract with SAQA for verifications must send an email to
** Individual requests for verification letters must be sent to
** No emails should be sent to individual SAQA staff members as this results in duplication and lengthens the verification process.

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What is an Extract from the National Learners’ Records Database and how different is it from a Verification Letter?
An extract from the National Learners’ Records Database (NLRD) is a copy of the information recorded under your name on the NLRD. It may not contain all the qualifications or part-qualifications you obtained. SAQA strives to keep the NLRD up-to-date.

Qualifications and part-qualifications are only recorded on the NLRD after they have been quality-assured and authenticated. An Extract from the NLRD is not a verification as it may not contain all your achievements.

How long does it take to verify a South African qualification?
Verification takes from 2 to 20 working days depending on the priority selected and availability of the record on the NLRD. The standard for verification is to find a result within 20 working days where after the request will be closed as “inconclusive”. You will pay the discounted tariff if it takes longer than the requested priority to finalise the verification.

SAQA receive data from all registered education institutions and can find the achievement record with fieldwork even if it is not recorded on the NLRD yet. However, some qualifications are difficult to verify as they are stored in archives.

What are the different verification services that SAQA offers?
SAQA offers the following verification services to employers, learners, and other clients at a cost. This service is for individuals who need a verification letter confirming their tertiary qualifications obtained in South Africa. The verification letter is for qualifications or part-qualifications registered on the NQF and NOT for short courses and professional designations.

Private Sector Clients (Employers):
This service is for Private Sector Employers who want to authenticate the qualifications of candidates or existing employees. Short courses and professional designations are not included in this service. The evaluation of foreign qualifications is a separate service.

Public Sector Clients (Employers):
This service is for Public Sector Employers who want to authenticate the qualifications of candidates or existing employees. Short courses and professional designations are not included in this service. The evaluation of foreign qualifications is a separate service.

What do I need to know about the verification of South African qualifications?
SAQA verifies the authenticity of South African qualifications for employers or individuals. You can access this service by following this link:

The verification result can be in the form of a letter to be legalised by the Department of International Relations and Cooperation to enable an employer to make an appointment.

The verification is done at a cost related to the request and priority selected by the client. The tariffs are adjusted annually on 1 April and can be viewed by following this link:

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