City of Cape Town : Apply For Prepaid & Credit Meters

Organisation : City of Cape Town
Facility Name : Apply For Prepaid & Credit Meters
Applicable City : Cape Town
Website :

What is Prepaid & Credit Meters?

The City has standardised split prepayment meters for measuring residential electricity usage. Although many households still have the older credit and integrated prepayment meters, these are being replaced with the newer split prepayment meter.

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Benefits of Prepaid Electricity Meter

** The current electricity metering software for all prepaid meters in South Africa is due to expire in 2024. We will be rolling-out the meter updates in phases according to a schedule.
** If you use a prepaid meter, you have more control over your electricity bill because you can monitor your usage.
** Depending on your average monthly usage and your property value, prepaid customers can also benefit from free monthly electricity allocation. See our section on the cost of electricity for more information on how you are charged.

Reasons to go prepaid:
** You won’t sit with a huge bill at the end of the month.
** You can track how much electricity your household or business uses, down to the minute.
** You can control how much you spend on electricity.
** It’s ideal for communal renting or leasing. No more bill disputes!

How To Apply For Cape Town Prepaid Electricity Meter?

Changing from a credit meter is made easy. Visit City Connect and follow our step-by-step instructions on how to request a prepaid meter.

Apply Here :

If you have a credit meter and you want to move to a prepaid meter, a cut-off reading is taken on your credit meter when the new prepaid meter is installed in your home or property.

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Cape Town Reading Credit Meters

** City meter readers visit your property once a month or at least once every three months. You can identify them by their uniform. They always carry official City of Cape Town identification.

** Where access to the meter cannot be safely obtained, your bill will reflect an estimated amount based on your average monthly usage. It is therefore important that you help them do their job well.

** You can also submit your own meter reading via our e-Services portal or by email to accounts AT You can also call us on 0860 103 089.

Stolen or Damaged Prepaid Meters

Private property:
We are not responsible for stolen or damaged meters on private property, if your meter has been stolen you will need to apply for a new meter.
** You will be responsible for covering all related costs for the replacement of the meter.
** If you have insurance, you can contact them to find out if they can cover some or all of the costs.

City-owned property:
If you are renting a property from the City and your meter has been stolen/vandalised, you can follow the process below to have it replaced:

** Go to your nearest police station and open a case so that you can get a case number.
** Contact our Call Centre on 0860 103 089 and give the Call Centre Agent the case number.

Once we have received the case number, we will log a request and schedule a meter replacement.


Telephone: 0860 103 089
Email: accounts AT

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