Travelstart Online Bus Ticket Booking

Organisation : Travelstart
Facility Name : Online Bus Ticket Booking
Country : South Africa
Website :

How To Book Travelstart Bus Ticket Online?

There are a number of options you can choose from when you elect to make a booking with us. You can either visit our website at or alternatively visit any participating Pick n Pay store. Most stores that have a money counter would be able to assist you to book a bus ticket. Please note if you do use our website to book, you can still make payment for your ticket at a participating Pick n Pay store.

Related / Similar Facility : Eldo Coaches Online Bus Tickets Booking

Follow the below steps to book Travelstart Bus Ticket online.

Step-1: Go to the link
Step-2 : Select From, To, Departure, Return, Passengers Option
Step-3 : Click on “Search Buses” button

Travelstart Bus Ticket Cancellation

In the event of the Client cancelling the Booking the terms of cancellation shall be subject to the relevant Principal’s terms and conditions. We shall have the RIGHT TO EITHER CLAIM the amount of, or retain an amount of the Payment and claim reasonable damages suffered by Ourselves.

Kindly contact Flightsite directly on 087 350 1369 o via email at info [AT] Please be advised that cancellation is subject to the terms and conditions of respective bus company.

FAQ On Travelstart Bus Ticket Booking

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On Travelstart Bus Ticket Booking

Is it possible to request my ticket be resent to me?
Yes, your ticket can be resent to you via e-mail, whether you book online or instore. When you book in store, your till slip serves as your bus ticket.

What happens if I make my booking and do not receive any confirmation?
Please contact us, we will confirm your booking and send you your ticket.

How do I request wheelchair access?
This differs per service provider. If you require special assistance to board the bus and to disembark please contact the service provider directly, in advance, either before booking your ticket or once you have confirmed to make arrangements. Please note that once you confirm your ticket we may not be in a position to assist you to obtain a refund after the sale has been completed.

What is the maximum number of passengers I can book for?
You may only book for up to 10 passengers in one transaction.

How can I pay for my booking?
You can choose to pay using a credit card (VISA, Mastercard or American Express) or at your nearest Pick n Pay. Please note that the time limit you have to pay is linked to your time of departure. If you are set to depart within 12 hours it is recommended that you make use of a money counter to book and pay for your ticket in store. If you do not pay for your ticket within the requested time limit the ticket will lapse and you will need to make a new booking. No other credit card is accepted.

Is it safe to make a payment online?
Yes, abolutely! Nothing is more important to us than privacy and the integrity of your personal information. Our website is protected with Thawte SGC-enabled SSL Certificates and displays Thawte Secured Seal on secure pages.

My payment was declined but I would still like to book.
Please try your booking again in case it was just an error with the website or your bank, or alternatively you can pay using a different method of payment. If you are still not able to confirm your booking please contact us to assist you.

Where can I view my ticket?
Your ticket can be viewed at the bottom of your till slip. This can be used to board the bus together wtih your ID or passport.


Call : 087 350 1369
Email : info AT

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