IEC Online Candidate Nomination System (OCNS) : Electoral Commission of South Africa

Organisation : Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC)
Facility Name : Online Candidate Nomination System (OCNS)
Applicable For : Political Parties
Country : South Africa
Website :

What is IEC Online Candidate Nomination System?

The Online Candidate Nomination system allows parties and Independents to capture and manage candidate lists, documentation and payments. Reporting is available to assist with monitoring the progress of the candidate nomination process. Click Go button to get started. Please note: You need username and password.

Related / Similar Facility :

IEC Municipal Ward By-Elections Voter Registration 2023

IEC Political Party Funding System South Africa

How To Login To IEC Online Candidate Nomination System?

To Login To IEC Online Candidate Nomination System, Follow the below steps

Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : First Time User Create User Profile (or) Registered Candidate, Enter the ID Number / Email / Username
Step-3 : Click On Sign Up/ Sign In button

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FAQ On IEC Political Party

Frequently Asked Questions FAQ On IEC Political Party Funding

Which political parties are governed by the Political Party Funding Act?
The Political Party Funding Act applies to all registered political parties whether represented in the national and provincial legislatures or not. The Act further defines “political parties” as “including any entity that accepts donations principally to support or oppose any registered political party or its candidates in an election”.

What are the obligations of donors?
Any person or organisation making a donation to a political party which individually or cumulatively exceeds R100 000 per year must report that donation to the Electoral Commission within 30 days of making the donation or within 30 days of when the cumulative donations exceeded R100 000.

Which party representative will be responsible for funding disclosure?
The accounting officer of a political party or duly authorized office bearer of the political party is responsible for disclosing donations.

How will disclosure be made?
The Electoral Commission is currently developing an online disclosure system which will allow both political parties and donors to made disclosures electronically.

What restrictions are there on the moneys for the RPPF and MPDF?
The Electoral Commission may not accept money for the Multiparty Democracy Fund (MPDF) from:
** Any organ of state;
** Any state owned enterprise;
** Any foreign government or foreign government agency;
** Any donor to the MPDF may request to remain anonymous.

Purposes for which money from RPPF and MPDF may not be used:
** To pay remuneration to any person representing the party in the national, provincial or municipal legislatures;
** To pay remuneration to any person in the service of the state and who receives remuneration for that service;
** To finance or support any cause in contravention of any code of ethics binding on members of parliament or provincial legislature;
** To establish any business or acquiring or maintaining immovable property (except where that property is to be used solely by the party for party political purposes;
** To defray legal expenses relating to internal party disputes;
** Any other purpose which may be prescribed.

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