North-West University : Retrieve NWU University Number

Organisation : North-West University (NWU)
Facility Name : Retrieve NWU University Number
Applicable For : Students of NWU
Country : South Africa
Website : https://www.nwu.ac.za/

How To Retrieve NWU University Number?

Forgotten University Number? Just follow the below steps to retrieve NWU University Number.

Step-1 : Go to the link https://www.nwu.ac.za/
Step-2 : Enter the Identity Number
Step-3 : Select Title
Step-4 : Enter the Initials
Step-5 : Enter the Surname
Step-6 : Enter the Date of Birth
Step-7 : Click on Next button


NWU Student Counselling and Development

At Student Counselling and Development professional services are rendered to students by professional members of staff qualified in psychology, counselling, social work and psychometry. Our aim is reflected in our motto: Optimising you!

Our role is to be a support structure for students in times of need, as well as to inspire and aid them in developing and reaching their optimal wellness potential in all dimensions of life, ranging from emotional, social, and physical wellness, connectivity, growth and influence.

Some of the services we offer may include (but are not limited to):
** Psychological services, which include individual and group psychotherapy and counselling
** Life and leadership skills and personal development
** Social support services, including HIV/Aids and community-engagement programmes
** Psychometric assessments for both prospective and current students
** Career guidance and counselling
** Enhancing the first-year experience (including adjustment to campus life, and general development for first-time entrants)
** Support for students with disabilities

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Please note that services rendered may vary depending on the specific NWU campus.

Student Academic Lifecycle Administration

The Student Academic Life Cycle Administration (SALA) Department is centrally managed, but with a strong locally deployed presence: Its strategic framework is to strive towards consistency, alignment and good service delivery, which is to be accomplished by providing effective academic administrative support to clients through the optimisation of processes and systems and the consistent and accountable application of policies and rules relevant to this environment (within the framework of the NWU’s strategic agenda and value statement).

SALA has been established as a result of the need to have an overarching department that acts as a driver to achieve the following goals:
** To provide for a cost-effective, single and aligned methodology implemented across all sites and modes of delivery to attract, recruit and admit students in accordance with the relevant admission, selection (where applicable) and placement criteria into undergraduate and postgraduate programmes contained on the NWU’s PQM.
** To provide for a single and aligned methodology implemented across all sites and modes of delivery to ensure an effective and efficient registration function with an ongoing view to automate as much as possible of this function.
** To provide for a single and aligned methodology implemented across all sites and modes of delivery to ensure an effective and efficient support in regard of programme and module choices.
** To sustain a student system that will allow optimal management of student records, and by means of which all relevant operational data can be utilised for business-intelligence purposes.
** To provide for an integrated, effective and efficient timetabling process catering for both class and examination timetables for all modes of delivery.
** To ensure effective and secure services for periods of assessment in the undergraduate, honours and postgraduate spheres for all modes of delivery.

Contact NWU

WhatsApp line: +27 60 070 2606
SMS-line: 31750
Email: studies [AT] mynwu.info

Functions of North-West University

North-West University (NWU) is a public research university with campuses in three locations in South Africa: Potchefstroom, Mahikeng, and Vanderbijlpark. The functions of the university include:

Teaching and Learning:
NWU offers a wide range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in various fields, including education, engineering, health sciences, law, natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, and theology.

NWU is a research-intensive university with a focus on applied research that addresses societal challenges and contributes to the economic development of South Africa. The university has research institutes, centers, and groups that conduct research in various fields.

Community Engagement:
NWU is committed to engaging with communities and addressing social challenges through its various community outreach programs, such as community-based research, social entrepreneurship, and volunteer work.

Categories: Facilities
Tags: nwu.ac.za

View Comments (1)

  • Maria Naniki Mapitswane says:

    Good morning
    I need to apply but I can't remember my university number or pin and I don't have the phone I used last time or the email address. Please help me retrieve my NWU university number. My ID no 93100702XXXXXX

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