UKZN Password Change : University of KwaZulu-Natal

Organisation : University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN)
Facility Name : Password Change
Applicable For : Students of UKZN
Country : South Africa
Website :

How To Change UKZN Password?

To Change/Update UKZN Password, Follow the below steps

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Step-1 : Go to the link
Step-2 : Enter the Email Id
Step-3 : Enter the Old Password
Step-4 : Enter the New Password
Step-5 : Enter the Confirm New Password

Password must be a minimum of 8 characters in length and contain:
** a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and;
** a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and;
** a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] or;
** a minimum of 1 special character.

DO NOT share your password with anyone else! DO set a unique password not containing your name or a previous password.

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Guidelines For UKZN Password

When choosing a UKZN password, please adhere to these requirements:
** Your password must be at least 8 characters long.
** Your password must include a mix of letters, special characters, numbers, uppercase and lowercase characters.
** Do not use a password that you have used in the past.
** Do not share your password with anyone.
** Protect your password in the same way as you would your bank card PIN.
** Never allow other people access to your email or network account – because you are liable for any email sent using your email address.

Avoid having the following as part of your password:
** Avoid words that you find in a dictionary.
** Personal information, such as names and birth dates.
** Keyboard patterns, like qwerty or 12345. Particularly avoid sequences of numbers in order.
** Common acronyms.
** All one type of character – such as all numbers, all upper-case letters, all lower- case letters, etc.
** Repeating characters, such as mmmm3333.
** The same password you use for another application.

Examples of Weak Passwords:
** Welcome2018
** Pass12345!
** Password30
** P@ssw0rd01
** Monday123
** Summer123
** Hello123
** Student2018
** Winter123

How To Request A New Password?

Active Directory (Network/Email):
** Email – attach staff card or ID and include cellphone number.
** A new password will be sent via sms.
** User can also go to any ICS Walk-in centre to reset the password.
** User will have to change password once they are prompted to.

ITS (Production, Test, Compare):
** Email ICSSupport AT -attach staff card or ID.
** A new password will be emailed.
** User can also go to any ICS Walk-in centre to reset the password.
** User will have to change password once they are prompted to.

Student Management System (SMS):
** SMS uses your network credentials, verify that the password is working with email/internet.
** If the password is not working for email/internet then email ICSSupport AT – attach staff card or ID and include cellphone number or user can go into any ICS Walk in centre to get the password reset.
** If the password works for email/internet then contact the ICS Call Centre on x4000 to check status of the SMS account.

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